Publications on Adaptive optics


  1. Ilya Galaktionov, Julia Sheldakova, Vladimir Toporovsky, Alexis Kudryashov, "Atmospheric turbulence generator: software and hardware implementation of Kolmogorov phase screen simulation system", Proc. SPIE 12871, Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XXVI, 128710K (12 March 2024); doi: 10.1117/12.3014325
  2. Vladimir Toporovsky, Pavel Kuzmitsky, Ilya Galaktionov, Alexis Kudryashov, Julia Sheldakova, "Thermomechanical behavior of stacked-actuator deformable mirrors under incident high-power laser radiation", Proc. SPIE 12871, Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XXVI, 128710M (12 March 2024); doi: 10.1117/12.3023344
  3. Ilya Galaktionov, Alexander Nikitin, Julia Sheldakova, Vladimir Toporovsky, Alexis Kudryashov, "Wide-aperture multichannel Shack-Hartmann sensor for multispectral wavefront measurements", Proc. SPIE 12871, Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XXVI, 128710L (12 March 2024); doi: 10.1117/12.3014349
  4. Vladimir Toporovsky, Ilya Galaktionov, Alexander Alexandrov, Alexis Kudryashov, Julia Sheldakova, "Beam-path alignment system for high-power laser setups", Proc. SPIE 12871, Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XXVI, 128710N (12 March 2024); doi: 10.1117/12.3023351
  5. A.Kudryashov, "Real-time high-power laser beam correction", Proc. of XIII International Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine (12-15 March 2024, Padova, Italy), pp.63-64, 2024.
  6. V.Toporovsky, V.Samarkin, I.Galaktionov, A.Kudryashov, "Modular deformable mirror with 100 control elements for manipulating the properties of the laser beam", Proc. of XIII International Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine (12-15 March 2024, Padova, Italy), pp.58-60, 2024.
  7. Rukosuev A.L., Nikitin A.N., Galaktionov I.V., Sheldakova J.V., Kudryashov A.V., "Realtime adaptive optics for high-power laser beam correction in the strong turbulence", Computer Optics 48(4), pp. 511-518, 2024. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-1352.
  8. V. V. Toporovsky, V. V. Samarkin, A. V. Kudryashov, I. V. Galaktionov, A. A. Panich, A. Yu. Malykhin, "Simulation and Measurement of Stroke in Piezoceramic Combs with a Decrease in Cross-Sectional Area of Control Elements", Opt. Spectrosc. 132, pp.421–425, 2024. doi: 10.1134/S0030400X24040179


  1. Galaktionov I., Sheldakova J., Nikitin A., Toporovsky V., Kudryashov A. "A Hybrid Model for Analysis of Laser Beam Distortions Using Monte Carlo and Shack-Hartmann Techniques: Numerical Study and Experimental Results", Algorithms 16, 337, 2023. doi: 10.3390/a16070337
  2. Galaktionov I., Toporovsky V., Sheldakova J., Kudryashov A. "Visscat: the software for phase function visualization and comparison", Software Impacts 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.simpa.2023.100552
  3. Ilya Galaktionov, Alexander Nikitin, Julia Sheldakova, Vladimir Toporovsky, Alexander Laskin, and Alexis Kudryashov, "Adaptive system with Zernike-based hill-climbing algorithm for super Gaussian and doughnut-like beam shaping", Proc. SPIE 12667, Laser Beam Shaping XXIII, 126670J (26 September 2023); doi: 10.1117/12.2676756
  4. Ilya Galaktionov, Vladimir Toporovsky, Alexander Nikitin, Alexey Rukosuev, Alex Alexandrov, Julia Sheldakova, Alexander Laskin, and Alexis Kudryashov, "Software and hardware implementation of the algorithm for 2-mirrors automatic laser beam alignment system", Proc. SPIE 12667, Laser Beam Shaping XXIII, 126670I (26 September 2023); doi: 10.1117/12.2676742
  5. Vladimir Toporovsky, Ilya Galaktionov, Vadim Samarkin, Alexis Kudryashov, Alexander Panich, Anatoliy Malykhin, and Alexander V. Laskin "Wavefront control with high-spatial cartridge-type piezostack deformable mirror", Proc. SPIE 12667, Laser Beam Shaping XXIII, 126670L (26 September 2023); doi: 10.1117/12.2676879
  6. Vladimir Toporovsky, Ilya Galaktionov, Vadim Samarkin, Alexis Kudryashov, Alexander Panich, Anatoliy Malykhin, and Alexander Laskin "Cartridge-type piezostack deformable mirror with reduced cross-section of control elements", Proc. SPIE 12667, Laser Beam Shaping XXIII, 126670K (26 September 2023); doi: 10.1117/12.2676744
  7. Galaktionov I, Sheldakova J, Samarkin V, Toporovsky V, Kudryashov A. "Atmospheric Turbulence with Kolmogorov Spectra: Software Simulation, Real-Time Reconstruction and Compensation by Means of Adaptive Optical System with Bimorph and Stacked-Actuator Deformable Mirrors", Photonics 10, 1147, 2023. doi: 10.3390/photonics10101147
  8. Ilya Galaktionov, Julia Sheldakova, Vladimir Toporovsky, Alexey Rukosuev, Alexis Kudryashov, "Overcoming challenges in laser beam focusing through a moderately scattering medium: stacked-actuator vs. bimorph deformable mirror", Proc. SPIE 12780, 29th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, 127800P (17 October 2023); doi: 10.1117/12.2689613
  9. Vladimir Toporovsky, Alexis Kudryashov, Vadim Samarkin, Ilya Galaktionov, Anatoliy Malykhin, Anatoliy Panich, "Stroke simulation of control elements in cartridge-type deformable mirror for correction of aberrations of laser radiation passed through turbulent medium", Proc. SPIE 12780, 29th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, 127800S (17 October 2023); doi: 10.1117/12.2689908
  10. V. A. Bogachev, M. V. Volkov, D. E. Guk, M. O. Koltygin, A. V. Kudryashov, R.S. Kuzin, A. L. Rukosuev, F. A. Starikov, R. A. Shnyagin, A. S. Shtylev, "Registration and analysis of laser beam wavefront using a Shack-Hartmann sensor under conditions of artificial pavilion turbulence", Proc. SPIE 12780, 29th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, 127800V (17 October 2023); doi: 10.1117/12.2690304
  11. Toporovsky, V.; Samarkin, V.; Kudryashov, A.; Galaktionov, I.; Panich, A.; Malykhin, A. "Investigation of PZT Materials for Reliable Piezostack Deformable Mirror with Modular Design". Micromachines, 14(11), pp.2004, 2023. doi: 10.3390/mi14112004
  12. Toporovsky, V.V., Samarkin, V.V., Kudryashov, A.V., Galaktionov I.V., Malykhin A.Yu., Panich A.A., Studying the Electrophysical and Mechanical Parameters of Piezoceramic Materials for Deformable Cartridge-Type Mirrors." Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys. 87, pp.1697-1701, 2023. doi: 10.3103/S1062873823703914
  13. V. Toporovsky, I. Galaktionov, A. Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, A. Malykhin and A. Panich, "Optimization of Piezoceramic Material Parameters for Stacked-Actuator Deformable Mirror in Free-Space Communication Applications," Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Information, Control, and Communication Technologies (ICCT), Astrakhan, Russian Federation, pp. 1-5, 2023. doi: 10.1109/ICCT58878.2023.10347104.
  14. Toporovsky V.V., Samarkin V.V., Kudryashov A.V., Galaktionov I.V., Panich A.A., Malykhin A.Yu., "Simulation and measurement of stroke in piezoceramic combs with a decrease in cross-sectional area of control elements," Optics and Spectroscopy 131(11), pp. 1454-1458, 2023. DOI: 10.61011/EOS.2023.11.58041.5092-23.


  1. V. Samarkin, A. Alexandrov, I. Galaktionov, A. Kudryashov, A. Nikitin, A. Rukosuev, V. Toporovsky, J. Sheldakova, "Wide-Aperture Bimorph Deformable Mirror for Beam Focusing in 4.2 PW Ti:Sa Laser", Appl. Sci. 12, 1144, 2022.
  2. Samarkin V.V., Alexandrov A.G., Galaktionov I.V., A.V. Kudryashov, A.N. Nikitin, A.L. Rukosuev, V.V. Toporovsky, Yu.V. Sheldakova, "Large-aperture adaptive optical system for correcting wavefront distortions of a petawatt Ti:sapphire laser beam", Quantum Electronics 52(2), pp. 187-194, 2022.
  3. V. Toporovsky, V. Samarkin, A. Kudryashov, A. Panich, A. Sokallo, A. Malykhin, J. Sheldakova, "Robust stack-array deformable mirror for laser beam control", Proc. SPIE 11987, pp.119870M, 2022. doi: 10.1117/12.2614509
  4. A. Nikitin, I. Galaktionov, J. Sheldakova, A. Kudryashov, D. Denisov, A. Zolotukhina, "Calibration of a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor using spherical wavefronts from a point source", Proc. SPIE 11987, pp.119870J, 2022. doi: 10.1117/12.2615161
  5. J. Sheldakova, I. Galaktionov, A. Nikitin, A. Alexandrov, A. Kudryashov, V. Belousov, A. Rukosuev, "FPGA based laser beam stabilization system", Proc. SPIE 11987, pp.119870C, 2022. doi: 10.1117/12.2614525
  6. J. Sheldakova, V. Belousov, A. Nikitin, V. Toporovsky, A. Rukosuev, A. Kudryashov, "Statistical analysis of a wavefront distorted by laboratory turbulence in terms of Zernike polynomials", Proc. SPIE 11987, pp.119870L, 2022. doi: 10.1117/12.2614533
  7. I. Galaktionov, A. Nikitin, J. Sheldakova, A. Kudryashov, "Shack-Hartmann sensor with B-spline approximation technique", Proc. SPIE 11987, pp.119870K, 2022. doi: 10.1117/12.2614658
  8. V. Toporovsky, V. Samarkin, A. Kudryashov, A. Alexandrov, I. Galaktionov, A. Nikitin, A. Rukosuev, J. Sheldakova, "Wide-aperture deformable mirror for correcting and improving focusing of multi-petawatt Ti:Sa laser beam", Proc. SPIE 11987, pp.119870F, 2022. doi: 10.1117/12.2614522
  9. V. Toporovsky, P. Lyuy, D. Denisov, A. Zolotukhina, A. Nikitin, A. Kudryashov, "The method of designing an optical-electronic imaging system for correcting the parameters of the wavefront of laser radiation transmitted through a turbulent atmosphere", Proc. SPIE 11987, pp.119870N, 2022. doi: 10.1117/12.2616105
  10. I. Galaktionov, A. Nikitin, J. Sheldakova, V. Toporovsky, A. Kudryashov, "Focusing of a Laser Beam Passed through a Moderately Scattering Medium Using Phase-Only Spatial Light Modulator", Photonics 9(5), 296, 2022. doi: 10.3390/photonics9050296
  11. V. Toporovsky, A. Kudryashov, A. Skvortsov, A. Rukosuev, V. Samarkin, I. Galaktionov, "State-of-the-Art Technologies in Piezoelectric Deformable Mirror Design", Photonics 9(5), 321, 2022. doi: 10.3390/photonics9050321
  12. V. Klochkova, J. Sheldakova, I. Galaktionov, A. Nikitin, A. Kudryashov, V. Belousov, A. Rukosuev, "Local Correction of the Light Position Implemented on an FPGA Platform for a 6 Meter Telescope", Photonics 9(5), 322, 2022. doi: 10.3390/photonics9050322
  13. A. Rukosuev, A.Nikitin, V.Toporovsky, J. Sheldakova, A. Kudryashov, "Real-Time Correction of a Laser Beam Wavefront Distorted by an Artificial Turbulent Heated Airflow", Photonics 9(5), 351, 2022. doi: 10.3390/photonics9050351
  14. Toporovsky V.V., Kudryashov A.V., Skvortsov A.A., Samarkin V.V., Sheldakova J.V., Rukosuev A.L., "Nanotechnology for Creating Modern Piezoelectric Wavefront Correctors", Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 86(6), pp.733-737, 2022. doi: 10.3103/S1062873822060302
  15. Alexander Soloviev, Alexander Kotov, Mikhail Martyanov, Sergey Perevalov, Roman Zemskov, Mikhail Starodubtsev, Alexander Alexandrov, Ilya Galaktionov, Vadim Samarkin, Alexis Kudryashov, Ivan Yakovlev, Vladislav Ginzburg, Anton Kochetkov, Ilya Shaikin, Alexey Kuzmin, Sergey Stukachev, Sergey Mironov, Andrey Shaykin, and Efim Khazanov, "Improving focusability of post-compressed PW laser pulses using a deformable mirror," Opt. Express 30, pp.40584-40591, 2022. doi: 10.1364/OE.471300
  16. V. V. Toporovsky, A. V. Kudryashov, V. V. Samarkin, A. A. Panich, A. I. Sokallo and A. Y. Malykhin, "Stroke analysis of piezocomb stack-array deformable mirrors," Proc. of 2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), Publisher: IEEE, 2022, pp. 01-01, doi: 10.1109/ICLO54117.2022.9839916
  17. V. V. Toporovsky, A. A. Skvortsov, A. V. Kudryashov, V. V. Samarkin, A. L. Rukosuev and J. V. Sheldakova, "Parallel-gap resistance microwelding for deformable mirror manufacturing," Proc. of 2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), Publisher: IEEE, 2022, pp. 1-1, doi: 10.1109/ICLO54117.2022.9840189.
  18. A. L. Rukosuev, A. N. Nikitin, V. N. Belousov, J. V. Sheldakova, V. V. Toporovsky and A. V. Kudryashov, "Airflow turbulence testing by decomposition of the wavefront of probing laser radiation by Zernike polynomials," Proc. of 2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), Publisher: IEEE, 2022, pp. 1-1, doi: 10.1109/ICLO54117.2022.9839721.
  19. I. V. Galaktionov, V. V. Toporovsky, J. V. Sheldakova and A. V. Kudryashov, "Analysis of hartmannogram images for scattered laser beam focusing by means of high-resolution stacked-actuator mirror," Proc. of 2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), Publisher: IEEE, 2022, pp. 1-1, doi: 10.1109/ICLO54117.2022.9839832.
  20. I. V. Galaktionov, A. N. Nikitin, J. V. Sheldakova and A. V. Kudryashov, "B-spline approximation of a wavefront of the ring-shaped detail measured by Shack-Hartmann sensor," Proc. of 2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), Publisher: IEEE, 2022, pp. 1-1, doi: 10.1109/ICLO54117.2022.9840322.
  21. A. V. Kudryashov and V. V. Samarkin, "Adaptive optics for aberration correction in PW lasers," Proc. of 2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), Publisher: IEEE, 2022, pp. 1-1, doi: 10.1109/ICLO54117.2022.9839672.
  22. I. Galaktionov, A. Nikitin, J. Sheldakova, V. Toporovsky and A. Kudryashov, "Modified Fizeau interferometer with the 4th order polynomial smoothing algorithm," Proc. of 2022 VIII International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT), Publisher: IEEE, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ITNT55410.2022.9848760.
  23. V. V. Toporovsky, A. V. Kudryashov, V. V. Samarkin, I. V. Galaktinov and A. L. Rukosuev, "Zernike polynomial generation with high-resolution bimorph deformable mirror," Proc. of 2022 VIII International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT), Publisher: IEEE, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ITNT55410.2022.9848711.
  24. Vladimir Toporovsky, Alexis Kudryashov, Alexey Rukosuev, and Ilya Galaktionov "Evaluation of bimorph deformable mirror performance through Zernike polynomials reconstruction", Proc. SPIE 12218, Laser Beam Shaping XXII, pp.1221807, 2022. doi: 10.1117/12.2632915
  25. Vladimir Toporovsky, Vadim Samarkin, Alexis Kudryashov, and Ilya Galaktionov "Bimorph deformable mirror parameters optimization in atmospheric applications", Proc. SPIE 12218, Laser Beam Shaping XXII, pp.1221806, 2022. doi: 10.1117/12.2632914
  26. Ilya Galaktionov, Julia Sheldakova, Vladimir Toporovsky, and Alexis Kudryashov "Modified Fizeau interferometer with the polynomial and FFT smoothing algorithm", Proc. SPIE 12223, Interferometry XXI, pp.122230T, 2022. doi: 10.1117/12.2632181
  27. Ilya Galaktionov, Julia Sheldakova, Alexander Nikitin, Vladimir Toporovsky, and Alexis Kudryashov "Phase-only spatial light modulator for focusing a moderately scattered visible range laser beam", Proc. SPIE 12218, Laser Beam Shaping XXII, pp.1221808, 2022. doi: 10.1117/12.2631997
  28. Ilya Galaktionov, Julia Sheldakova, Vladimir Toporovsky, and Alexis Kudryashov "Numerical analysis of efficiency of light focusing through a moderately scattering medium with the use of deformable mirrors", Proc. SPIE 12218, Laser Beam Shaping XXII, pp.122180C, 2022. doi: 10.1117/12.2632681
  29. Ilya Galaktionov, Julia Sheldakova, Vladimir Toporovsky, and Alexis Kudryashov "Efficient technique to measure the concentration value of a scattering suspension using Bouguer-Lambert-Beer law", Proc. SPIE 12216, Novel Optical Systems, Methods, and Applications XXV, pp.122160U, 2022.doi: 10.1117/12.2632182
  30. Vladimir Toporovskiy, Alexis Kudryashov, Julia Sheldakova, Ilya Galaktionov, Vadim Samarkina "Deformable piezoelectric mirrors with high density of control elements", Proc. SPIE 12341, 28th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, pp.123411I, 2022. doi: 10.1117/12.2645061
  31. Ilya Galaktionov, Julia Sheldakova, Vladimir Toporovsky, Alexis Kudryashov "Piezoelectric bimorph mirrors with various number of electrodes for scattered laser beam focusing", Proc. SPIE 12341, 28th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, pp.123411T, 2022. doi: 10.1117/12.2645061


  1. D.G. Denisov, A.A. Zolotukhina, A.V. Kudryashov, A.N. Nikitin, "Comparative analysis of methods for calibration of a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor", Proc. of X International Conference Photonics and Information Optics, pp.403-404, 2021.
  2. Alexis Kudryashov, Alexander Alexandrov, Ilya Galaktionov, Efim Khazanov, Anton Kochetkov, Alexander Kotov, Sergey Perevalov, Vadim Samarkin, Andrey Shaykin, Alexander Soloviev, "240-mm bimorph deformable mirror for wavefront correction at the PEARL facility", Proc. SPIE 11672, pp.116720V, 2021. doi: 10.1117/12.2578070
  3. Alexander Nikitin, Ilya Galaktionov, Julia Sheldakova, Alexis Kudryashov, Vadim Samarkin, Alexey Rukosuev, Vladimir Toporovsky, "Focusing laser beam through pinhole using high-resolution stacked-actuator deformable mirror", Proc. SPIE 11672, pp.116720W, 2021. doi: 10.1117/12.2578116
  4. Ilya Galaktionov, Julia Sheldakova, Vladimir Toporovsky, Vadim Samarkin, Alexis Kudryashov, "Bimorph vs stacked actuator deformable mirror for laser beam focusing through a moderately scattering medium", Proc. SPIE 11672, pp.1167214, 2021. doi: 10.1117/12.2577604
  5. Vladimir Toporovsky, Alexis Kudryashov, Vadim Samarkin, Anatoliy Panich, Alexander Sokallo, Anatoliy Malykhin, Alexander Skrylev, Julia Sheldakova, "Small-aperture stacked-array deformable mirror made of the piezoceramic combs", Proc. SPIE 11672, pp.1167215, 2021. doi: 10.1117/12.2578126
  6. A. L. Rukosuev, V. N. Belousov, A. N. Nikitin, Yu. V. Sheldakova, A. V. Kudryashov, V. A. Bogachev, M. V. Volkov, S. G. Garanin, F. A. Starikov, "Wavefront correction of laser beam distorted by fan heater turbulence using an adaptive optical system with a frequency of 2000 Hz", Proc. SPIE 11678, pp.116780P, 2021. doi: 10.1117/12.2578143
  7. D.G.Denisov, A.A.Zolotukhina, A.V.Kudryashov, A.N.Nikitin, "Comparative analysis of methods for calibration of a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor", Advances in Applied Physics 9(2), pp.153-163, 2021. doi: 10.51368/2307-4469-2021-9-2-153-163
  8. Galaktionov I.V., Sheldakova J.V., Nikitin A.N., Kudryashov A.V., "LCOS-SLM for optical range laser beam focusing through a moderately scattering medium", Proc. of All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Science - Society - Technology - 2021", pp.15-19, 2021.
  9. Rukosuev A.L. , Belousov V.N., Nikitin A.N., Sheldakova J.V., Kudryashov A.V., "Fast adaptive optical system for laboratory turbulence analysis", Proc. of All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Science - Society - Technology - 2021", pp.77-80, 2021.
  10. Toporovsky V.V., Kudryashov A.V., Samarkin V.V., Sheldakova J.V., Rukosuev A.L., "Piezoactuator deformable mirror with ability to replace failed control elements", Proc. of All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Science - Society - Technology - 2021", pp.196-201, 2021.
  11. A.V. Kotov, S.E. Perevalov, M.V. Starodubtsev, R.S. Zemskov, A.G. Alexandrov, I.V. Galaktionov, A.V. Kudryashov, V.V. Samarkin, A. A. Soloviev, "Adaptive system for correcting optical aberrations of high-power lasers with dynamic determination of the reference wavefront ", Quantum Electronics, 51(7), pp.593-596, 2021. doi: 10.1070/QEL17542
  12. V. Samarkin, J. Sheldakova, V. Toporovskiy, A. Rukosuev, A. Kudryashov, "High-spatial resolution stacked-actuator deformable mirror for correction of atmospheric wavefront aberrations", Applied Optics 60(23), pp.6719-6724, 2021. doi: 10.1364/AO.427375
  13. V. Toporovsky, V. Samarkin, J. Sheldakova, A. Rukosuev, A. Kudryashov, "Water-cooled stacked-actuator flexible mirror for high-power laser beam correction", Optics & Laser Technology 144, pp.107427, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.optlastec.2021.107427.
  14. V. Samarkin, A. Alexandrov, V. Toporovsky, A. Rukosuev, A. Kudryashov, "Water-cooled deformable mirrors for high power beam correction", Proc. SPIE 11849, pp.1184917, 2021. doi: 10.1117/12.2599116
  15. I. Galaktionov, A. Nikitin, J. Sheldakova, A. Kudryashov, "B-spline approximation of a wavefront measured by Shack-Hartmann sensor", Proc. SPIE 11818, pp.118180N, 2021. doi: 10.1117/12.2598249
  16. I. Galaktionov, V. Toporovsky, , J. Sheldakova, A. Kudryashov, "Comparison of stacked actuator and bimorph mirrors for scattered laser-beam focusing", Proc. SPIE 11818, pp.118180O, 2021. doi: 10.1117/12.2599209
  17. V.N. Belousov, V.A. Bogachev, M.V. Volkov, S.G. Garanin, A.V. Kudryashov, A.N. Nikitin, A.L. Rukosuev, F.A. Starikov, Yu.V. Sheldakova, R.A. Shnyagin, "Investigation of spatial and temporal characteristics of turbulent-distorted laser radiation during its dynamic phase correction in an adaptive optical system", Quantum Electronics, 51(11), pp.992-999, 2021. doi: 10.1070/QEL17641
  18. A. L. Rukosuev, V. N. Belousov, A. N. Nikitin, Yu. V. Sheldakova, I. V. Sivertseva, and A. V. Kudryashov, "Laboratory Simulation of Atmospheric Turbulence in the Problem of Correcting Laser Radiation Wavefront Distortions by Using a Fast Adaptive Optical System", Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 57(5), pp. 789-794, 2021.
  19. V.V. Toporovsky, A.V. Kudryashov, V.V. Samarkin, A.A. Panich, A.I. Sokallo, A.Yu. Malykhin, "Piezostack deformable mirror with high technological effectiveness", J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2103 012190, 2021. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2103/1/012190
  20. A. L. Rukosuev, V. N. Belousov, A. N. Nikitin, Y. V. Sheldakova, and A. V. Kudryashov, "Testing a 2 kHz adaptive optical system by using laboratory turbulence", in OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress 2021, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper PF1C.5. doi: 10.1364/PCAOP.2021.PF1C.5
  21. A. Rukosuev, A. Nikitin, V. Belousov, J. Sheldakova, V. Toporovsky, A. Kudryashov, "Expansion of the Laser Beam Wavefront in Terms of Zernike Polynomials in the Problem of Turbulence Testing", Applied Sciences 11(24):12112, 2021. doi: /10.3390/app112412112
  22. V. Toporovsky, A. Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, A. Panich, A. Sokallo and A. Malykhin, "Stacked-actuator deformable mirror with rigid design made of piezoceramic", Proc. of 2021 International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT), pp. 1-4, 2021. doi: 10.1109/ITNT52450.2021.9649014
  23. Vladimir Toporovskiy, Alexis Kudryashov, Vadim Samarkin, Anatoliy Panich, Alexander Sokallo, and Anatoliy Malykhin, "Investigation of properties of the stacked-actuator deformable mirror made of the piezoceramic combs", Proc. SPIE 11916, pp119161I, 2021. doi: 10.1117/12.2603503


  1. V. Toporovsky, A. Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, J. Sheldakova, A. Rukosuev, "Applicability of small size wavefront correctors to compensate for wavefront distortions in laser systems", Proc. SPIE 11266, pp. 1126619, 2020. doi: 10.1117/12.2548325
  2. J. Sheldakova, I. Galaktionov, A. Nikitin, A. Rukosuev, V. Samarkin, V. Toporovsky, A. Kudryashov, "Miniature bimorph deformable mirror for laser beam shaping", Proc. SPIE 11266, pp. 112661L, 2020. doi: 10.1117/12.2548292
  3. A. Nikitin, I. Galaktionov, J. Sheldakova, A. Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, A. Rukosuev, V. Toporovsky, "Focusing laser beam through pinhole using stacked-actuator deformable mirror", Proc. SPIE 11266, pp. 112661B, 2020. doi: 10.1117/12.2548327
  4. A. Rukosuev, V. Belousov, I. Galaktionov, A. Kudryashov, A. Nikitin, V. Samarkin, J. Sheldakova, "1.5 kHz adaptive optical system for free-space communication tasks", Proc. SPIE 11272, pp. 112721G, 2020. doi: 10.1117/12.2548337
  5. 15. Rukosuev,A L, Nikitin A.N., Sheldakova Y.V, Kudryashov A.V., Belousov V.N., Bogachev V.A., Volkov M.V., Garanin S.G., Starikov F.A., "Smart adaptive optical system for correcting the laser wavefront distorted by atmospheric turbulence", Quantum Electronics, 50(8), pp. 707-709, 2020. doi: 10.1070/QEL17382
  6. A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Rukosuev, A.N.Nikitin, I.V.Galaktionov, J.V.Sheldakova, "Real-time 1.5 kHz adaptive optical to correct for atmospheric turbulence", in Proceedings Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, 2020.
  7. A.V. Kudryashov, I.V. Galaktionov, J.V. Sheldakova, "The improvement of the focus of laser beam passed through the scattering atmosphere by means of adaptive optics", in Proceedings Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, 2020.
  8. Alexey M. Sakharov, Nikolay V. Baryshnikov, Valery E. Karassik, Julia V. Sheldakova, Alexis Kudryashov, Alexander Nikitin, "A method for reconstructing the equation of the aspherical surface of mirrors in an explicit form using a device with a wavefront sensor", Proc. SPIE 11487, pp.114870B, 2020. doi: 10.1117/12.2569339
  9. Julia V. Sheldakova, Vladimir Toporovsky, Ilya Galaktionov, Alexander Nikitin, Alexey Rukosuev, Vadim Samarkin, Alexis Kudryashov, "Flat-top beam formation with miniature bimorph deformable mirror", Proc. SPIE 11486, Laser Beam Shaping XX, 114860E, 2020. doi: 10.1117/12.2569387
  10. Alexander Nikolaevich Nikitin, Alexey Rukosuev, Julia V. Sheldakova, Vadim M. Belousov, Ilya Galaktionov, Vadim Samarkin, Alexis Kudryashov, "FPGA-based 2 kHz closed-loop adaptive optical system with stacked actuator deformable mirror", Proc. SPIE 11508, Unconventional Imaging and Adaptive Optics 2020, 115080K, 2020. doi: 10.1117/12.2569315
  11. Alexander Nikolaevich Nikitin, Fedor Starikov, Mikhail Volkov, Vladimir Bogachev, Aleksey A. Khlebnikov, Alexey Rukosuev, "Dynamic correction of the laser beam distortion by 2000 Hz FPGA-based adaptive optical system", Proc. SPIE 11506, Laser Communication and Propagation through the Atmosphere and Oceans IX, 1150607, 2020. doi: 10.1117/12.2569338
  12. F. A. Starikov, M. V. Volkov, V. A. Bogachev, A. A. Khlebnikov, A. L. Rukosuev, A. N. Nikitin, "Correction of dynamic phase turbulent aberrations of a laser beam with a frequency of 1500 Hz", Proc. SPIE 11560, pp. 1156025, 2020. doi: 10.1117/12.2575647
  13. V. N. Belousov, I. V. Galaktionov, A. V. Kudryashov, A. N. Nikitin, O. V. Otrubyannikova, A. L. Rukosuev, V. V. Samarkin, I. V. Sivertceva, Ju. V. Sheldakova, "Adaptive optical system for correction of laser beam going through turbulent atmosphere", Proc. SPIE 11560, pp. 1156026, 2020. doi: 10.1117/12.2575650
  14. V. Toporovsky, A. Kudryashov, J. Sheldakova, V. Samarkin, "Development and investigation of small-aperture bimorph deformable mirror for correction of low-order aberrations of laser radiation", Proc. SPIE 11560, pp. 115601Z, 2020. doi: 10.1117/12.2575599
  15. I. Galaktionov, J. Sheldakova, A. Nikitin, A. Kudryashov, "Comparison of efficiency of bimorph mirror and spatial light modulator for laser beam focusing through a moderately scattering medium", Proc. SPIE 11560, pp. 115602A, 2020. doi: 10.1117/12.2575723
  16. A. Kudryashov, A. Rukosuev, A. Nikitin, I. Galaktionov, J. Sheldakova, "Real-time 1.5 kHz adaptive optical system to correct for atmospheric turbulence", Opt. Express 28(25), pp.37546-37552, 2020. doi: 10.1364/OE.409201
  17. I. Galaktionov, J. Sheldakova, A. Nikitin, V. Samarkin, V. Parfenov, A. Kudryashov, "Laser beam focusing through a moderately scattering medium using a bimorph mirrore", Opt. Express 28(25), pp.38061-38075, 2020. doi: 10.1364/OE.408899
  18. V. V. Toporovsky, A. V. Kudryashov, V. V. Samarkin, A. L. Rukosuev, A. N. Nikitin, Yu. V. Sheldakova & O. V. Otrubyannikova, "Cooled Stacked-Actuator Deformable Mirror for Compensation for Phase Fluctuations in a Turbulent Atmosphere", Atmos Ocean Opt, 33, pp.584-590, 2020. doi: 10.1134/S102485602006024X
  19. V. G. Klochkova, Yu. V. Sheldakova, V. V. Vlasyuk & A. V. Kudryashov, "Improving the Efficiency of High-Resolution Spectroscopy on the 6-m Telescope Using Adaptive Optics Techniques", Astrophys. Bull. 75, pp.468-481, 2020. doi: 10.1134/S1990341320040100
  20. A.A. Soloviev, A.V. Kotov, S.E. Perevalov, M.V. Esyunin, M.V. Starodubtsev, A.G. Alexandrov, I.V. Galaktionov, V.V. Samarkin, A.V. Kudryashov, V.N. Ginzburg, A.P. Korobeynikova, A.A. Kochetkov, A.A. Kuzmin, A.A. Shaykin, I.V. Yakovlev, E.A. Khazanov, "Adaptive system for wavefront correction of the PEARL laser facility", Quantum Electronics 50(12), pp. 1115-1122, 2020. DOI:10.1070/QEL17446.
  21. A. V. Kudryashov, V. V. Toporovsky, V. V. Samarkin, A. L. Rukosuev and J. V. Sheldakova, "Deformable mirrors for high-power lasers", 2020 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), 2020, p. 78. 1-1, doi: 10.1109/ICLO48556.2020.9285419.
  22. V.V. Toporovsky; A.V. Kudryashov; V.V. Samarkin; A.L. Rukosuev; A.A. Panich; A.I. Sokallo; A. Yu. Malykhin, "Miniature wavefront correctors based on monolithic piezostack block", 2020 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), 2020, p. 87, doi: 10.1109/ICLO48556.2020.9285427.
  23. A. L. Rukosuev, F. A. Starikov, M. V. Volkov, V. A. Bogachev, A. A. Khlebnikov and A. N. Nikitin, "1500 Hz phase correction of dynamic turbulent distortions of the laser beam", 2020 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), 2020, p. 165, doi: 10.1109/ICLO48556.2020.9285809.
  24. A.L. Rukosuev; V.N. Belousov; I.V. Galaktionov; A.N. Nikitin; A.V. Kudryashov; V.V. Samarkin; J.V. Sheldakova, "FPGA-based adaptive optical system for atmospheric applications", 2020 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), 2020, p. 184, doi: 10.1109/ICLO48556.2020.9285824.


  1. (in RUS)V.V.Toporovsky, A.A.Skvortsov, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, J.V.Sheldakova, D.Ye.Pshonkin, "Flexible bimorph mirror with high density of the controlling electrodes for wavefront aberrations correction", Optichesky Zhurnal 86(1), pp.40-47, 2019.
  2. V. V. Toporovskii, A. A. Skvortsov, A. V. Kudryashov, V. V. Samarkin, Yu. V. Sheldakova, and D. E. Pshonkin, "Flexible bimorphic mirror with high density of control electrodes for correcting wavefront aberrations", J. Opt. Technol. 86, pp.32-38, 2019. doi: 10.1364/JOT.86.000032
  3. I. Galaktionov, A. Kudryashov, J. Sheldakova, A. Nikitin, "Laser beam focusing through the dense multiple scattering suspension using bimorph mirror", Proc. SPIE 10886, pp. 1088619, 2019. doi: 10.1117/12.2509621
  4. V. Toporovsky, A. Kudryashov, V, J. Sheldakova, A. Rukosuev, A. Skvortsov, D. Pshonkin, "New generation of the miniature bimorph mirrors for compensation of the wavefront distortions", Proc. SPIE 10931, pp. 109310O, 2019. doi: 10.1117/12.2510104
  5. V. Toporovsky, A. Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, J. Sheldakova, A. Rukosuev, "Wide aperture high resolution stacked-actuator deformable mirror for high power laser beam correction", Proc. SPIE 10898, pp. 1089809, 2019. doi: 10.1117/12.2510144
  6. A. Nikitin, I. Galaktionov, J. Sheldakova, A. Kudryashov, N. Baryshnikov, D. Denisov, V. Karasik, A. Sakharov, "Absolute calibration of a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor for measurements of wavefronts", Proc. SPIE 10925, pp. 109250K, 2019. doi: 10.1117/12.2510047
  7. A. Nikitin, I. Galaktionov, J. Sheldakova, A. Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, A.Rukosuev, "Focusing laser beam through pinhole using bimorph deformable mirror", Proc. SPIE 10904, pp. 109041I, 2019. doi: 10.1117/12.2510134
  8. J. Sheldakova, I. Galaktionov, A. Nikitin, A. Rukosuev, V. Toporovsky, A. Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, "Stacked-actuators deformable mirror vs bimorph mirror for laser beam shaping", Proc. SPIE 10904, pp. 109041K, 2019. doi: 10.1117/12.2509521
  9. V. V. Toporovsky, A. V. Kudryashov, V. V. Samarkin, J. V. Sheldakova, and A. L. Rukosuev, "Water-cooled stacked-actuator deformable mirror for atmospheric phase distortions correction," in Imaging and Applied Optics 2019 (COSI, IS, MATH, pcAOP), OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019), paper JW2A.39. doi: 10.1364/COSI.2019.JW2A.39
  10. V. Toporovskiy, A. Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, J. Sheldakova, A. Rukosuev, A. Skvortsov, and D. Pshonkin, "Bimorph deformable mirror with a high density of electrodes to correct for atmospheric distortions," Appl. Opt. 58(22), pp.6019-6026, 2019. doi: 10.1364/AO.58.006019
  11. I. Galaktionov, A. Kudryashov, J. Sheldakova, A. Nikitin, "Laser beam focusing through the scattering medium using bimorph deformable mirror and spatial light modulator", Proc. SPIE 11135, pp. 111350B, 2019. doi: 10.1117/12.2533985
  12. V. Toporovskiy, A. Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, J. Sheldakova, A. Rukosuev, "Water-cooled stacked-actuator deformable mirror for atmospheric applications", Proc. SPIE 11135, pp. 111350A, 2019. doi: 10.1117/12.2533984
  13. A. Kudryashov, A. Nikitin, I. Galaktionov, J. Sheldakova, V. Samarkin, A. Rukosuev, "Adaptive optics for laser-beam focusing through the pinhole", Proc. SPIE 11107, pp. 111070F, 2019. doi: 10.1117/12.2534008
  14. V. Toporovskiy, A. Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, J. Sheldakova, A. Rukosuev, A. Skvortsov, D. Pshonkin,"Bimorph deformable mirrors for high-order aberrations simulations", Proc. SPIE 11107, pp. 111070E, 2019. doi: 10.1117/12.2533772
  15. Kudryashov, A., Sheldakova, J., Samarkin, V., Romanov, P., Rukosuev, A., "High-power laser beam formation and focusing by means of adaptive optics", Proc. of CAOL, 2019-September, pp. 10-14, 2019.
  16. Romanov, P., Nikitin, A., Kudryashov, A., Samarkin, V., Sheldakova, J., Rukosuev, A., Galaktionov, I., "Focusing laser beam through pinhole using bimorph deformable mirror", Proc. of CAOL, 2019-September, pp. 179-183, 2019.
  17. Romanov, P., Toporovsky, V., Kudryashov, A., Samarkin, V., Sheldakova, J., Rukosuev, A., "Wide-aperture deformable mirrors for wavefront distortions compensation in high-power laser complexes", Proc. of CAOL, 2019-September, pp. 517-521, 2019.


  1. A. Lylova, Yu. Sheldakova, A. Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, "Formation of doughnut and super-Gaussian intensity distributions of laser radiation in the far field using a bimorph mirror", Quantum Electronics 48(1), pp.57-61, 2018. DOI
  2. I. Galaktionov, A. Kudryashov, J. Sheldakova, A. Nikitin, V. Samarkin, "Comparison of the efficiency of laser beam focusing through the scattering medium using 14- and 31-channel bimorph mirrors", Proc. SPIE 10518, pp. 1051818, 2018.
  3. V. Toporovsky, A. Skvortsov, A. Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, D. Pshonkin, "High spatial resolution bimorph deformable mirror for laser beam control", Proc. SPIE 10518, pp. 1051821, 2018.
  4. J. Sheldakova, A. Kudryashov, I. Galaktionov, V. Samarkin, A. Nikitin, A. Rukosuev, "Formation of the doughnut and Super-Gaussian intensity distribution by means of different types of wavefront correctors", Proc. SPIE 10518, pp. 105181E, 2018.
  5. A. Nikitin, N. Baryshnikov, D. Denisov, V. Karasik, A. Sakharov, P. Romanov, J. Sheldakova, A. Kudryashov, "Comparative analysis of methods and optical-electronic equipment to control the form parameters of spherical mirrors", Proc. SPIE 10539, pp. 105390Z, 2018.
  6. J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, A.Rukosuev, A. Nikitin, I. Galaktionov, V. Toporovsky, "Adaptive optical system for laser beam formation", Proc. SPIE 10712, pp. 107112A, 2018.
  7. (in RUS)I. Galaktionov, A. Kudryashov, J. Sheldakova, A. Nikitin, "Simulation of the scattered laser beam correction process by means of the bimorph adaptive mirror", Proceedings of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Science-Society-Technologies-2018" (SST-2018), pp. 30-33, 2018.
  8. V.V. Toporovskiy, A.V. Kudryashov, V.V. Samarkin, P.N. Romanov, I.V. Galaktionov, "Stacked-actuator deformable mirror for high-power lasers", Proc. of 18th International Conference "Laser Optics 2018", pp. 94-94, 2018. IEEE Xplore
  9. I. Galaktionov, J. Sheldakova, A. Kudryashov, "Scattered laser beam control using bimorph deformable mirror", Proc. of 18th International Conference "Laser Optics 2018", pp. 186-186, 2018. IEEE Xplore
  10. I. Galaktionov, J. Sheldakova, A. Kudryashov, "Laser beam focusing through the scattering medium using 14-, 32- and 48-channel bimorph mirrors", Proc. of 18th International Conference "Laser Optics 2018", pp. 223-223, 2018. IEEE Xplore
  11. V. V. Toporovskiy, A. V. Kudryashov, V. V. Samarkin, A. A. Skvortsov, D. V. Pshonkin, J. V. Sheldakova, "Small-size bimorph mirror with high spatial resolution of the electrodes", Proc. of 18th International Conference "Laser Optics 2018", pp. 226-226, 2018. IEEE Xplore
  12. J.Sheldakova, I. Galaktionov, A. Nikitin, A.Rukosuev, A.Kudryashov, "LC phase modulator vs deformable mirror for laser beam shaping: what is better?", Proc. SPIE 10744, pp. 107440S, 2018.
  13. V. Toporovskiy, A. Skvortsov, A. Kudryashov, J. Sheldakova, D. Pshonkin, "High-resolution bimorph deformable mirror for laser beam shaping", Proc. SPIE 10744, pp. 107440R, 2018.
  14. I. Galaktionov, A. Nikitin, V. Samarkin, J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, "Laser beam focusing through the scattering medium-low order aberration correction approach", Proc. SPIE 10772, 2018.
  15. V. Toporovsky, A.Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, J.Sheldakova, A.Rukosuev, "Water-cooled stacked-actuator deformable mirror for high CW power laser beam correction", Proc. SPIE 10772, 2018.
  16. A.Kudryashov, A.Rukosuev, V. Samarkin, I. Galaktionov, E. Kopylov, "Fast adaptive optical system for 1.5 km horizontal beam propagation", Proc. SPIE 10772, 2018.
  17. A.Kudryashov, "Laser beam focusing through the scattering medium using bimorph mirror", Proc. of AOIM18 XII International Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine p. 12, 2018.
  18. Alexander Alexandrov, Ilya Galaktionov, Alexis Kudryashov, Alexey Rukosuev, Pavel Romanov, Vadim Samarkin, "Beam focus improvement in pulsed lasers using wide-aperture deformable mirrors", Proc. of AOIM18 XII International Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine p. 4, 2018.


  1. A. Kudryashov, A. Lylova, V. Samarkin, J. Sheldakova, A. Alexandrov, "Fast adaptive optical system for the high-power laser beam correction in atmosphere", Proc. SPIE 10410, pp. 104100L, 2017.
  2. I.Galaktionov, A.Kudryashov, J.Sheldakova, A.Nikitin, V.Samarkin, "Laser beam focusing through the atmosphere aerosol", Proc. SPIE 10410, pp. 104100M, 2017.
  3. (in RUS) I.Galaktionov, A.Kudryashov, J.Sheldakova, G. Mar, A.Nikitin, "Adaptive optical system for increasing laser beam focusing efficiency through the scattering medium", Proc. of XXIII International conference "Atmospheric and ocean optics. Atmospheric physics, p.45, 2017.
  4. I.V.Galaktionov, A.V.Kudryashov, Yu.V.Sheldakova, A.A.Byalko, G.Borsoni, "Measurement and correction of the wavefront of the laser light in a turbid medium", Quantum Electronics 47(1), pp.32-37, 2017. doi: 10.1070/QEL16061
  5. A. Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, A. Aleksandrov, G. Borsoni, T. Jitsuno, and J. Sheldakova, " Large bimorph flexible mirror for Peta-Watt laser beam correction", Proc. of International Symposium "Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics", p.30, 2017.
  6. A. Lylova, J. Sheldakova, A. Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, and A. Rukosuev, " Formation of the laser beam with the help of different types of deformable mirrors", Proc. of International Symposium "Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics", p.26, 2017.
  7. V.V. Toporovsky, A.V. Kudryashov, J.V. Sheldakova, I.V. Galaktionov, "Determination of optical properties of turbid media by Monte Carlo method", Proc. of International Symposium "Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics", p.27, 2017.
  8. (in RUS) J.V. Sheldakova, A.N. Lylova, A.V. Kudryashov, V.V. Samarkin, "Formation of the super-gaussian intensity distribution of the laser radiation in far-field with the use of bimorph mirror ", Proc. of Science-Society-Technologies-2017 (SST-2017), pp.106-112, 2017.
  9. (in RUS) I. Galaktionov, A. Kudryashov, J. Sheldakova, A. Nikitin, V. Samarkin "Adaptive compensation of the distortions and focusing of the scattered laser beam", Proc. of Science-Society-Technologies-2017 (SST-2017), pp.401-405, 2017.
  10. (in RUS) V. V. Toporovsky, A. V. Kudryashov, I. V. Galaktionov, "Adaptive optics for compensation of aberrations of radiation, propagated through turbid biological medium", Proc. of Science-Society-Technologies-2017 (SST-2017), pp.101-106, 2017.
  11. I.Galaktionov, A.Kudryashov, J.Sheldakova, A.Nikitin, "Laser beam focusing through the scattering medium by means of adaptive optics", Proc. SPIE 10073, pp. 100731L, 2017. DOI
  12. A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, A.Alexandrov, G.Borsoni, T.Jitsuno, P.Romanov, J.Sheldakova, "Extremely large bimorph deformable mirror for high intense laser beam correction", Proc. SPIE 10084, pp. 1008408, 2017. DOI
  13. I.Galaktionov, A.Kudryashov, J.Sheldakova, A.Nikitin, "The use of modified hill-climbing algorithm for laser beam focusing through the turbid medium", Proc. SPIE 10090, pp. 100901K, 2017. DOI
  14. J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, A.Lylova, V.Samarkin, A.Alexandrov, "Beam shaping by means of different wavefront correctors", Proc. SPIE 10090, pp. 100901S, 2017. DOI


  1. V.Samarkin, A.Alexandrov, G.Borsoni, T.Jitsuno, P.Romanov, A.Rukosuev, A.Kudryashov, "Wide aperture piezoceramic deformable mirrors for aberration correction in high-power lasers", High Power Laser Science and Engineering 4, pp.e4, 2016 (open access).
  2. A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, A.Aleksandrov, G.Borsoni, T.Jitsuno, P.Romanov, J.Sheldakova, "Largest in the world bimorph deformable mirror for high-power laser beam correction", Proc. SPIE 9727, pp.97271I, 2016. doi: 10.1117/12.2222003
  3. J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, A.Lylova, V.Samarkin, A.Rukosuev, "Problems of uniform focal spot formation by means of deformable mirror", Proc. SPIE 9727, pp.97271V, 2016. doi: 10.1117/12.2222001
  4. A.Nikitin, J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, G.Borsoni, D.Denisov, V.Karasik, A.Sakharov, "A device based on the Shack-Hartmann wave front sensor for testing wide aperture optics", Proc. SPIE 9754, pp.97540K, 2016. doi: 10.1117/12.2219282
  5. V.Samarkin, A.Aleksandrov, A.Kudryashov, P.Romanov, G.Borsoni, J.Sheldakova, "More than 500 mm deformable mirrors for high-power laser beam correction", Proc. of 17th International Conference "Laser Optics 2016", p.R5-10, 2016.
  6. J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, A.Rukosuev, A.Lylova, "Uniform focal spot formation in adaptive system with Shack-Hartmann sensor and M2 sensor", Proc. of 17th International Conference "Laser Optics 2016", p.R4-11, 2016.
  7. A.Lylova, A.Kudryashov, Ju.Sheldakova, G.Borsoni, "A new method of the real-time atmospheric turbulence modeling", Proc. of 17th International Conference "Laser Optics 2016", p.R4-12, 2016.
  8. I.Galaktionov, J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, A.Byalko, G.Kalenkov, "Measurement and correction of the wavefront of laser beam propagated through scattering medium", Proc. of 17th International Conference "Laser Optics 2016", p.R4-18, 2016.
  9. A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, A.Alexandrov, P.Romanov, G.Borsoni, J.Sheldakova, "Wide aperture bimorph mirrors for high-power laser beam control", Proc. of 17th International Conference "Laser Optics 2016", p.S1-21, 2016.
  10. A.Nikitin, J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, A.Lylova, I.Galaktionov, "Hartmannometer – device to measure optical elements", Proc. of CAOL-2016, pp.164-165, 2016.
  11. I.Galaktionov, J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, A.Nikitin, "Efficiency of the wavefront correction of scattered radiation by means of bimorph mirror", Proc. of CAOL-2016, pp.170-172, 2016.
  12. A.Kudryashov, J.Sheldakova, A.Lylova, V.Samarkin, A.Alexandrov, "New approaches of uniform focal spot formation by means of deformable mirror", Proc. of CAOL-2016, pp.211-212, 2016.
  13. A.Lylova, J.Sheldakova, A. Kudryashov, "Atmopheric turbulence modeling by means of deformable mirrors with the use of phase interpolation", Proc. of CAOL-2016, pp.213-215, 2016.
  14. (in RUS) Venediktov V.Yu., Venediktov D.V., Gorelaya A.V., Dmitrieva A.D., Dmitriev D.I., Kudryashov A.V., Lovchy I.L., Tsvetkov A.D., Shalymov E.V., Sheldakova Yu.V., Shubenkova E.V., "The study of propagation and adaptive optics correction of a laser beam along an atmospheric path protected from external influence", Optika Atmosfery i Okeana, 29(11), pp.942-948, 2016.
  15. L.V.Antoshkin, N.N.Botugina, L.A.Bolbasova, M.L.Demidov, V.M.Grigoriev, O.N.Emaleev, P.A.Konyaev, E.A.Kopylov, P.G.Kovadlo, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Lavrinov, L.N.Lavrinova, V.P.Lukin, A.Yu.Shikhovtcev, V.D.Trifonov, "Adaptive system for solar telescopes operating in the strongly turbulent atmosphere", Proc. SPIE 9909, pp.990932, 2016. doi: 10.1117/12.2231936
  16. T.Mikami, T.Okamoto, K.Yoshida, T.Jitsuno, Sh.Motokoshi, V.Samarkin, A.Kudryashov, J.Kawanaka, N.Miyanaga. "Ion-assisted coating for large-scale Bimorph deformable mirror", Proc. SPIE 9983, pp.99830B, 2016. doi: 10.1117/12.2239479


  1. A.Kudryashov, A.Alexandrov, A.Rukosuev, V.Samarkin, "Extremely high power CO2 laser beam correction Chapter 11", pp.173-183, in Advanced Lasers, eds. O.Shulika, I.Sukhoivanov, Springer Press, Vol. 193, 2015.
  2. A.Kudryashov, A.Alexandrov, A.Rukosuev, V.Samarkin, P.Galarneau, S.Turbide, F.Châteauneuf, "Extremely high-power CO2 laser beam correction", Applied Optics 54(14), pp. 4352-4358, 2015.
  3. I.V. Galaktionov, Yu.V. Sheldakova, A.V. Kudryashov, "Analysis of aberrations of laser radiation propagating through a turbid medium", Quantum Electronics 45(2), 143-144, 2015.
  4. V.V.Samarkin, A.G.Aleksandrov, T.Jitsuno, P.N.Romanov, A.L.Rukosuev, A.V.Kudryashov, "Study of a wide-aperture combined deformable mirror for high-power pulsed phosphate glass lasers", Quantum Electronics 45(12), 1086-1087, 2015.
  5. Rukosuev A.L., Kudryashov A.V., Lylova A.N., Samarkin V.V., Sheldakova Yu.V., "Adaptive optical system for real-time wavefront correction", Atmospheric and oceanic optics, 28(4), pp. 381-386, 2015.
  6. J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, A.Lylova, "Formation of the desired light intensity distribution on the target with bimorph deformable mirror", Proc. SPIE 9343, pp.93430R, 2015.
  7. A.Nikitin, J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, D.Denisov, V.Karasik, A.Sakharov, "Hartmannometer versus Fizeau Interferometer: advantages and drawbacks", Proc. SPIE 9369, pp.936905, 2015.
  8. A.E.Shtanko, G.S.Kalenkov, S.N.Mironov, Yu.V.Sheldakova, "Compensation of Aberrations of Off-Axis Parabolic Mirrors by Means of Digital Holography", Measurement Techniques 11, pp.1-6, 2015.
  9. J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, A.Lylova, V.Samarkin, A.Byalko, "New approach for laser beam formation by means of deformable mirrors", Proc. SPIE 9581, pp.95810H, 2015.
  10. A.Lylova, A.Kudryashov, J.Sheldakova, G.Borsoni, "The real-time atmospheric turbulence modeling and compensation with the use of adaptive optics", Proc. SPIE 9617, pp.961706, 2015.
  11. I.Galaktionov, A.Kudryashov, J.Sheldakova, A.Byalko, G.Borsoni, "Laser beam propagation and wavefront correction in turbid media", Proc. SPIE 9617, pp.96170D, 2015.
  12. V.Samarkin, A.Alexandrov, A.Kudryashov, "Wide aperture adaptive optics for high power CO2 laser beam control", Proc. of 10th international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, p.46, 2015.
  13. J.Sheldakova, A.Lylova, A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, "Doughnut-like and super-gaussian beam formation in closed-loop with Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor", Proc. of 10th international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, p.46, 2015.
  14. A.Kudryashov, A.Nikitin, J.Sheldakova, D.Denisov, V.Karasik, A.Sakharov, "Hartmannometer vs Interferometer to measure optical elements – what is the best?", Proc. of 10th international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, p.22, 2015.
  15. A.Lylova, A.Kudryashov, J.Sheldakova, G.Borsoni, "The real-time atmospheric turbulence modeling and compensation with use of adaptive optics", Proc. SPIE 9641, pp.96410K, 2015.
  16. A.Lylova; G.Kalenkov; J.Sheldakova; S.Kalenkov; A.Kudryashov; A.Shtanko, "Measurements of parabolic mirrors aberrations in hyperspectral microscope", Proc. SPIE 9641, pp.96410N, 2015.
  17. A.V.Gorelaya, E.V.Shubenkova, D.I.Dmitriev, A.D.Dmitrieva, A.V.Kudryashov, I.L.Lovchiy, E.V.Shalymov, Yu.V.Sheldakova, A.D.Tsvetkov, D.V.Venediktov, V.Yu.Venediktov, "Investigation of dual-wavelength laser beam propagation along the in-door atmospheric path", Proc. SPIE 9641, pp.96410C, 2015.


  1. A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, A.Alexandrov, J.Sheldakova, P.Romanov, "Wide aperture (more than 500 mm) deformable mirrors for high power laser beam correction", Proc. SPIE 8960, pp.89601G, 2014.
  2. A.Alexandrov, A.Kudryashov, A.Rukosuev, P.Romanov, Yu.Sheldakova, V.Samarkin, "Combined deformable mirror performance", Proc. of International conference on ultrahigh intensity lasers, p.116, 2014.
  3. Galaktionov, I.; Sheldakova, J.; Kudryashov, A., "Phase correction of laser beam passed through turbid medium," Laser Optics, 2014 International Conference , pp.1,1, June 30 2014-July 4 2014.


  1. (in RUS) A.V. Kudryashov, I.V.Galaktionov, "Aberratsii v tverdorelnyh lazerah", New Technologies, 1, pp. 5-7, 2013.
  2. Alexis V. Kudryashov, Alexander Alexandrov, Alexey Rukosuev, Vadim Samarkin, "Extremely high power CO2 laser beam correction", Proc. SPIE 8600, pp.860003, 2013.>
  3. V. Samarkin, A. Kudryashov, A. Alexandrov, A. Rukosuev, "Large Scale Deformable Mirror Based on Bimorph and Stack Actuators", Proc. of 9th international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, p.29, 2013.
  4. I. Galaktionov, A. Kudryashov, "Localization and image reconstruction of inclusions embedded in biological tissue (turbid media) by mean of adaptive optical system", Proc. of 9th international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, p.30, 2013.
  5. A. Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, A. Rukosuev, A. Nikitin, "Real-time high speed adaptive optical system for imaging and laser beam control", Proc. of 9th international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, p.30, 2013.
  6. A. Lylova, A. Kudryashov, "Artificial model of human eye aberrations procceeded in real-time", Proc. of 9th international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, p.30, 2013.
  7. A. Kudryashov, A. Alexandrov, V. Samarkin, A. Rukosuev, "Adaptive system for high power (more than 100 kW) CW CO2 lasers", Proc. of CAOL-2013, pp.91-92, 2013.
  8. J. Sheldakova, V. Samarkin, A. Kudryashov, A. Rukosuev, "Large aperture bimorph deformable mirror for extremely high power laser system", Proc. of CAOL-2013, pp.104-105, 2013.


  1. Alexis Kudryashov, Alexander Alexandrov, Alexey Rukosuev, Pierre Galarneau, "New Hartmann wavefront sensor for high power CO2 lasers", Proc. SPIE 8236, pp.82360L, 2012.
  2. A. Kudryashov, "Adaptive Optics for Extremely High Power Lasers", Proc. of 4th International Conference "Smart materials, structures and systems", Session Adaptive Optics, p.108, 2012.
  3. A.Kudryashov, A.Rukosuev, V.Samarkin, "Real-time high-speed adaptive optical system with atmospheric turbulence", Proc. of 15th International Conference on Laser Optics, p.47, 2012.
  4. (in RUS) A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, Yu.V.Sheldakova, A.G.Alexandrov, "Analys of wavefront correction method while use of Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor as an element of adaptive optical system", AVTOMETRIYA, 48(2), pp.52-56, 2012.
  5. Kudryashov, A.V., Samarkin, V.V., Sheldakova, Y.V., Aleksandrov, A.G., "Wavefront compensation method using a Shack-Hartmann sensor as an adaptive optical element system", Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing 48 (2), pp.153 - 158, 2012.


  1. Alexis Kudryashov, Valentina Zavalova, Alexey Rukosuev, Alexander Alexandrov, Julia Sheldakova, Vadim Samarkin, "Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor and its problems", Proc. SPIE 7913, pp.791309, 2011.
  2. J. Sheldakova, V. Samarkin, A. Kudryashov, A. Rukosuev, "Laser beam formation by adaptive optics", Proc. SPIE 7913, pp.79130I, 2011.
  3. Alexis Kudryashov, Vadim Samarkin, Alex Alexandrov, Julia Sheldakova, Valentina Zavalova, "Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor as a part or closed-loop system", Proc. of 8th international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, pp.82-83, 2011.
  4. Vadim Samarkin, Alexander Alexandrov, Alexis Kudryashov, Alexey Rukosuev, Julia Sheldakova, "Wavefront correstion with deformable mirror - how to put actuators", Proc. of 8th international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, pp.94-95, 2011.
  5. Aleksandrov, A.G., Kudryashov, A.V., Zavalova, V.Ye., "Development of wavefront sensors for IR-radiation", Proc. of 11th International Conference on Laser and Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling, LFNM 2011, 2011.


  1. A.G.Aleksandrov, V.E.Zavalova, A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Rukosuev, Yu.V.Sheldakova, V.V.Samarkin, P.N.Romanov, "Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor to measure high power lasers", Quantum Electronics 40(4), 321–326, 2010.
  2. J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, et al., "Multi dither adaptive system based on Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor", Proc. SPIE 7579, pp.75790I, 2010.
  3. J. Sheldakova, A. Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, A. Rukosuev, A. Alexandrov, P. Romanov, "Multi-dither algorithm on Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor for laser beam formation", Proc. SPIE 7789, pp.778912, 2010.
  4. Vadim Samarkin; Alexis Kudryashov, "Deformable mirrors for laser beam shaping", Proc. SPIE 7789, pp.77890B, 2010.
  5. Alexandrov, A., Zavalova, V., Kudryashov, A., Rukosuev, A., Sheldakova, Yu., Samarkin, V., "Beam correction in TiS lasers by means of adaptive optics", AIP Conference Proceedings 1228, pp.123 - 129, 2010.
  6. Sheldakova, J., Rukosuev, A., Romanov, P., Kudryashov, A., Samarkin, V., "Hill-climbing algorithm for adaptive optical system with Shack-Hartmann sensor", Proc. of 5th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL' 2010, pp.157 - 158, 2010.
  7. Rukosuev, A.L., Aiexandrov, A.G., Kudryashov, A.V., Samarkin, V.V., "Fast adaptive optical system for laser beam correction", Conference Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL 2010', pp. 150 - 151, 2010.
  8. Zavalova, V.E., Kudryashov, A.V., Rukosuev, A.L., "Measurements and modeling of optical distortions relaxation in high power Nd: Glass lasers", Proc. of 5th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL' 2010 , pp. 231 - 232, 2010.
  9. Alexandrov, A., Fourmaux, S., Kieffer, J.C., Kudryashov, A., Martin, F., Ozaki, T., Payeur, S., "High intensity laser beam wavefront diagnostics and correction at the advanced laser light source facility", Proc. of 5th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL' 2010 , pp. 213 - 215, 2010.
  10. Kudryashov, A., Samarkin, V., Alexandrov, A., Sheldakova, J., Zavalova, V., "Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor- Advantages and disadvantages", Proc. of 5th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL' 2010 , pp. 76 - 77, 2010.
  11. Samarkin, V.V., Dryagin, M.E., Kudryashov, A.V., Romano, P.N., "Adaptive optical system with water-cooled bimorph deformable mirror", Proc. of 5th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL' 2010 , p. 136, 2010.
  12. Romanov, P.N., Zavalova, V.E., Kudryashov, A.V., Rukosuev, A.L., "The commercially available version of Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor", Proc. of 5th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL' 2010 , pp. 211 - 212, 2010.
  13. A.Alexandrov, V.Zavalova, A.Kudryashov, A.Rukosuev, Yu.Sheldakova, V.Samarkin "Beam Correction in TiS lasers by means of adaptive optics", AIP Conference Proceedings, 1228, pp.123-129, 2010.


  1. J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, V.Zavalova, P.Romanov, "Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor versus Fizeau interferometer for laser beam measurements", Proc. SPIE 7194, pp.71940B, 2009.
  2. I.V.Il'ina, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, "Gerchberg - Saxton algorithm: experimental realization and modifcation for the problem of formation of multimode laser beams", Quantum Electronics 39(6), pp.521-527, 2009.
  3. A.G.Alexandrov, V.D.Dubikovsky, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, "Potentialities of bimorph mirrors", Proc. of 7th international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, pp.19-20, 2009.
  4. A.V.Kudryashov, "Adaptive optics in Moscow State Open University and Night N (opt) Ltd.", Proc. of 7th international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, p.60, 2009.
  5. J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, A.Rukosuev, "Laser beam focusing by means of closed-loop adaptive optical system", Proc. of 7th international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, pp.63-64, 2009.
  6. A.Kudryashov, A.Rukosuev, J.Sheldakova, "Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor versus Fizeau interferometer for optical surfaces quality measurements", Proc. of 7th international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, pp.102-103, 2009.
  7. T.Yu.Cherezova, A.S.Mikryukov, I.V.Ilyina, "High-quality laser beam intensity profile formation by means of hybrid iterative algorithms", Proc. of 7th international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, pp.106-107, 2009.
  8. S.Fourmaux, S.Payeur, F.Martin, T.Ozaki, J.C.Kieffer, A.Alexandrov, A.Kudryashov, "High intensity laser beam wavefront characterization and correction at the Advanced Laser Light Source facility", Proc. of 7th international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, pp.108-109, 2009.
  9. V.Ye.Zavalova, A.G.Alexandrov, A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Rukosuev, V.V.Samarkin, P.N.Romanov, "The problems of adaptive optical system to correct for the large aperture beam", Proc. of 7th international Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, p.110, 2009.
  10. A.Alexandrov, V.Zavalova, A.Kudryashov, A.Rukosuev, Yu.Sheldakova, "Beam Correction in TiS lasers by means of adaptive optics", Proc. of LEI 2009 (Light at extreme Intensities), p.103, 2009.
  11. A.Alexandrov, V.Dubikovsky, A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, "Bimorph mirrors for beam correction in high power TiS lasers", Proc. of LEI 2009 (Light at extreme Intensities), p.107, 2009.
  12. Sheldakova J.V., Kudryashov A.V., Samarkin V.V., Yamakawa K., Lai K.S., "Adaptive optics for lasers", Proc of 2nd International conference/school for young scientists "Modern nanotechnologies and nano photinics for science and industry", pp.205-209, 2009.
  13. Yuri I. Malakhov, Victor V. Atuchin, Aleksis V. Kudryashov, Fedor A. Starikov, "Optical components of adaptive systems for improving laser beam quality", Proc. SPIE 7131, pp.71311F , 2009.


  1. S.Fourmaux, S.Payeur, A.Alexandrov, C.Serbanescu, F.Martin, T.Ozaki, A.Kudryashov, and J.C.Kieffer, "Laser beam wavefront correction for ultra high intensities with 100 TW laser system at the Advanced Laser Light Source", Opt. Express 16, p.11987, 2008.
  2. A.V.Dubinin, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, "Human eye aberrations: 1. Development of personalised models of the human eye optical system based on measurements", Quantum Electronics 38(11), 1048–1052, 2008.
  3. S.O.Galetskii, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, "Human eye aberrations: 2. Development of a dynamic model of the human eye based on measurements", Quantum Electronics 38(11), 1053–1058, 2008.
  4. (in RUS) A.Dubinin, T.Cherezova, A.Kudryashov, "Vliyanie aberratsiy glaza na razreshenie i pole zreniya fundus-kamery", Photonika 1, pp.6-9, 2008.
  5. A.Dubinin, T.Cherezova, A.Belyakov, A.Kudryashov, "Human retina imaging: widening of high resolution area", Journal of Modern Optics 55(4), pp.671-681, 2008.
  6. J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, T.Y.Cherezova, "Femtosecond laser beam improvement: correction of parabolic mirror aberrations by means of adaptive optics", Proc. SPIE 6872, pp.687203, 2008.
  7. J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, V.Zavalova, "Problem of Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor and interferometer use while testing strongly distorted laser wavefront", Proc. SPIE 6872, pp.68720B, 2008.
  8. A.Dubinin, T.Cherezova, A.Kudryashov, "Methods of isoplanatic patch widening in human eye retina imaging", Proc. SPIE 6844, pp.684406, 2008.
  9. S.O.Galetskiy, T.Y.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, "Adaptive optics in ophthalmology: human eye wavefront generator", Proc. SPIE 6849, pp.684909, 2008.
  10. V.Samarkin, A.Alexandrov, V.Zavalova, A.Kudryashov, A.Rukosuev, Yu.Sheldakova, "Femtosecond laser beam correction by means of adaptive optics", Proc. of CAOL-2008, pp.59-61, 2008.
  11. J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, V.Zavalova, "Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor versus Fizeau interferometer while optical surfaces testing", Proc. of CAOL-2008, pp.152-154, 2008.
  12. V.E.Zavalova, A.G.Aleksandrov, A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Rukosuev, Y.V.Sheldakova, P.N.Romanov, "Analysis of accuracy of Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor measurements", Proc. of CAOL-2008, pp.162-164, 2008.
  13. P.Romanov, J.Sheldakova, V.Zavalova, A.Alexandrov, V.Dubikovsky, A.Kudryashov, "Modified interferometer Fizeau for diagnostics of wide aperture optical elements", Proc. of CAOL-2008, pp.393-394, 2008.
  14. S.O.Galetskiy, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, "Nonconventional wavefront sensing: point sourced SLODAR, theory and practical examples", Proc. SPIE 7093, pp.70930E, 2008.
  15. (in RUS)A.G.Aleksandrov, V.Ye.Zavalova, A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Rukosuev, V.V.Samarkin, "Adaptive optics in lasers and medicine", Proc. of second school for young scientists for laser physics and laser technologies, pp.15-27, 2008.
  16. T.Yu.Cherezova, A.S.Sobolev, A.G.Alexandrov, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, "Tiny multilayer deformable mirrors", in book Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, Imperial College Press, Chris Dainty(ed), pp.23-28, 2008.
  17. A.V.Dubinin, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, "High-resolution field-of-view widening in human eye retina imaging", in book Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, Imperial College Press, Chris Dainty(ed), pp.275-280, 2008.
  18. A.Kudryashov, A.Alexandrov, V.Samarkin, V.Zavalova, A.Rukosuev, "New results in high power laser beam correñtion", in book Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, Imperial College Press, Chris Dainty(ed), pp.419-425, 2008.
  19. I.V.Ilyina, T.Yu.Cherezova, "Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm for multimode beam reshaping", in book Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, Imperial College Press, Chris Dainty(ed), pp.439-444, 2008.
  20. S.O.Galetsky, A.V.Kudryashov, "Adaptive eye model", in book Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, Imperial College Press, Chris Dainty(ed), pp.329-335, 2008.


  1. A.Kudryashov, A.Sobolev, V.Samarkin, T.Cherezova, "Novel development of tiny bimorph mirrors", Proc. SPIE 6467, pp.64670O, 2007.
  2. I.V.Ilyina, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, "Far field laser intensity distribution formation by means of intracavity adaptive optics ", Proc. SPIE 6452, pp.64520C, 2007.
  3. J.V.Sheldakova, A.V.Kudryashov, V.Y.Zavalova, T.Y.Cherezova, "Beam quality measurements with Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor and M2-sensor: comparison of two methods", Proc. SPIE 6452, pp.645207, 2007.
  4. (in RUS) Yu.V.Sheldakova, A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Rukosuev, T.Yu.Cherezova, "Ispolzovanie gibridnogo algoritma upravleniya bimorfnym zerkalom dlya fokusirovki svetovogo izlucheniya", Optika atmosfery i okeana, 20(4), pp.380-383, 2007.
  5. T.Yu.Cherezova, A.S.Sobolev, A.G.Alexandrov, A.V.Kudryashov, O.N.Samarkina, V.V.Samarkin, "Tiny multilayer deformable mirrors", Proc. of 6th Int.Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, pp.28-29, 2007.
  6. A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, J.Sheldakova, A.Alexandrov, A.Rukosuev, V.Zavalova, "New results in high power laser beam correñtion", Proc. of 6th Int.Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, pp.126-127, 2007.
  7. I.V.Ilyina, T.Yu.Cherezova, "Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm for multimode beam reshaping", Proc. of 6th Int.Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, pp.164-165, 2007.
  8. S.O.Galetsky, A.V.Kudryashov, "Adaptive eye model", Proc. of 6th Int.Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, pp.166-167, 2007.
  9. (in RUS) A.A.Aleksandrov, A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Rukosuev, T.Y.Cherezova, Y.V.Sheldakova, "An adaptive optical system for controlling laser radiation", J. Opt. Technol, 74(8), pp.550-554, 2007.
  10. (in RUS) A.Yu.Kostylev, I.V.Ilyina, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, "Formirovanie vihrevyh puchkov upravlyaemymi fazovymi elementami", Optika atmosfery i okeana, 20(11), pp. 1028-1032, 2007.
  11. (in RUS) A.Aleksandrov, V.Zavalova, A.Kudryashov, A.Rukosuev, V.Samarkin, "Adaptivnaya optica dlya moschnyh lazerov s korotkimi impulsami izlucheniya", Photonika 6, pp.16-20, 2007.
  12. F.A.Starikov, V.P.Aksenov, V.V.Atuchin, I.V.Izmailov, F.Yu.Kanev, G.G.Kochemasov, A.V.Kudryashov, S.M.Kulikov, Y.I.Malakhov, A.N.Manachinsky, N.V.Maslov, A.V.Ogorodnikov, I.S.Soldatenkov, S.A.Sukharev, "Wave front sensing of an optical vortex and its correction in the close-loop adaptive system with bimorph mirror", Proc. SPIE 6747, pp.67470P, 2007.
  13. A.Kudryashov, A.Alexandrov, V.Zavalova, A.Rukosuev, V.Samarkin, "Adaptive optics and high power pulse lasers", Proc. SPIE 6346, pp.634629, 2007.
  14. A.Kostylev, A.Sobolev, T.Cherezova, Yu.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, "Intracavity genetic algorithm for any distance beam parameters control", Proc. SPIE 6346, pp.63461X, 2007.
  15. A.Sobolev, T.Cherezova, V.Samarkin, A.Kudryashov, "Bimorph flexible mirror for vortex beam formation", Proc. SPIE 6346, pp.63462A, 2007.
  16. A.Dubinin, T.Cherezova, A.Kudryashov, F.Starikov, "Adaptive optics in ophthalmology: current techniques and new methods of increasing field-of-view of fundus cameras", Proc. SPIE 6796, pp.679604, 2007.
  17. A.Dubinin, T.Cherezova, A.Belyakov, A.Kudryashov, "The influence of human eye aberrations on the resolution and field of view of fundus-cameras", Proc. SPIE 6535, pp.653506, 2007.


  1. T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov , "Laser Beam Shaping by Means of Flexible Mirrors", in Laser Beam Shaping Applications, Chapter 6, Fred Dickey, Scott Holswade, David Shealy Editors (Published by Taylor & Fransis Group), pp.211-241, 2006.
  2. Yu.Akahane, J.Ma, Yu.Fukuda, M.Aoyama, H.Kiriyama, J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, K.Yamakawa, "Characterization of wave-front corrected 100 TW, 10 Hz laser pulses with peak intensities greater than 1020 W/cm2", Review of Scientific Instruments 77(2), pp.023102, 2006.
  3. A.Kudryashov, A.Alexandrov, V.Samarkin, "Adaptive Systems for single pulse lasers", Proc. SPIE 6101, pp.610107, 2006.
  4. J.V.Sheldakova, V.V.Samarkin, A.V.Kudryashov, "Correction of the radiation of 1kW CW diode pumped glass laser", Proc. SPIE 6101, pp.61010B, 2006.
  5. A.Kudryashov, A.Sobolev, V.Samarkin, T.Cherezova "Tiny bimorph mirrors for laser beam control", Proc. SPIE 6113, pp.61130D, 2006.
  6. A.Dubinin, T.Cherezova, A.Belyakov, A.Kudryashov "Human eye anisoplanatism: eye as a lamellar structure", Proc. SPIE 6138, pp.613813, 2006.
  7. J.V.Sheldakova, T.Y.Cherezova, A.v.Kudryashov, "Genetic and hill-climbing algorithms for high-power laser beam correction", Proc. SPIE 5975, pp.59750S, 2006.
  8. A.Alexandrov, A.Kudryashov, A.Rukosuev, V.Samarkin, V.Zavalova, "Beam correction in high intense lasers", Proc. of LFNM 2006 (8nd International Conference on Laser and Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling), pp.344-347, 2006.
  9. T.Cherezova, A.Sobolev, A.Kudryashov, Yu.Sheldakova, V.Samarkin, "Tiny multilayer deformable mirror", Proc. of LFNM 2006 (8nd International Conference on Laser and Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling), pp.348-351, 2006.
  10. A.Sobolev, T.Cherezova, V.Samarkin, A.Kudryashov, "Screw phase dislocation formation by means of flexible bimorph mirror", Proc. of LFNM 2006 (8nd International Conference on Laser and Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling), pp.434-437, 2006.
  11. A.Yu.Kostylev, A.S.Sobolev, Yu.V.Sheldakova, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, "Genetic algorithm for intracavity bimorph mirror control", Proc. of LFNM 2006 (8nd International Conference on Laser and Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling), pp.438-441, 2006.
  12. I.V.Ilyina, A.S.Sobolev, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, "Gerchberg-Saxton iterative algorithm for flexible mirror performance", Proc. of LFNM 2006 (8nd International Conference on Laser and Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling), pp.442-445, 2006.
  13. T.Yu.Cherezova, A.Yu.Kostylev, A.S.Sobolev, Yu.V.Sheldakova, V.V.Samarkin, A.V.Kudryashov, "Genetic algorithm for intracavity adaptive mirror control", Proc. of HPLB 2006 (International Conference on High Power Laser Beams), pp.18-19, 2006.
  14. A.V.Kudryashov, A.G.Alexandrov, V.E.Zavalova, A.L.Rukosuev, V.V.Samarkin. "Adaptive optics for high power pulse lasers", Proc. of HPLB 2006 (International Conference on High Power Laser Beams), pp.54-55, 2006.
  15. Kostylev A., Sobolev A., Sheldakova Y., Cherezova T., Kudryashov A., "Intracavity genetic algorithm for any distance beam parameters control". Proc. of XVI Int. Symp. On Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers & High Power Lasers Conference. p.89. 2006.
  16. Kudryashov A., Alexandrov A., Zavalova V., Rukosuev A., Samarkin V. "Adaptive optics and high power pulse lasers". Proc. of XVI Int. Symp. On Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers & High Power Lasers Conference. p.102. 2006.
  17. Cherezova T., Sobolev A., Kudryashov A., "Bimorph flexible mirror for vortex beam formation". Proc. of XVI Int. Symp. On Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers & High Power Lasers Conference. p.104. 2006.
  18. (in RUS) A.G.Alexandrov, V.E.Zavalova, A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Rukosuev, V.V.Samarkin, "Adaptivnaya optika dlya moschnyh monoimpulsnyh lazerov". Proc. of VI Int. Conf. on Laser Phys. and Opt.Tech., pp.25-27. 2006.
  19. (in RUS) S.O.Galetsky, A.V.Dubinin, R.R.Letfullin, A.I.Belyakov, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, "Prostranstvenno-vremennye svoistva aberratsiy chelovecheskogo glaza". Proc. of VI Int. Conf. on Laser Phys. and Opt.Tech., p.63. 2006.
  20. (in RUS) A.G.Aleksandrov, V.E.Zavalova, A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Rukosuev, V.V.Samarkin, "Korektsiya izlucheniya moschnyh impulsnyh laserov". Proc. of IV Int.Conf. on Quantum Electronics, pp.35-37, 2006.
  21. (in RUS) Aleksandrov A.G., Belyakov A.I., Galetsky S.O., Zavalova V.Ye., Kudryashov A.V., Cherezova T.Yu., "Uchet neravnomernosti raspredeleniya intensivnosti pri izmerenii aberratsiy chelovecheskogo glaza", MSOU XXI - New Technologies, 4, pp.11-16, 2006.
  22. S.O.Galetsky, A.I.Belyakov, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, "Sozdaniye modely chelovecheskogo glaza metodami adaptivnoi optiki", (pismo v redaktsiyu), Optichesky Zhurnal, 7, pp.79-82, 2006
  23. (in RUS) Dubinin A., Belyakov A., Cherezova T., Kudryashov A., "Impact of aberrations of crystalline lens and the cornea on the size of isoplanatic patch in the human eye", Proc. of Conference On Laser Optics, p.8, Saint-Petersburg, 2006.
  24. Dubinin A., Belyakov A., Cherezova T., Kudryashov A., "Dynamic compensation of human eye aberrations by bimorph flexible mirror", Proc. of Conference on Laser Optics, p.8, Saint-Petersburg, 2006.
  25. Galetskiy S., Belyakov A., Cherezova T., Kudryashov A., "Dynamic generation of phase profiles inherent to human eye", Technical Digest of Laser Optics for Young Scientists, p.23, Saint-Petersburg, 2006.
  26. M.Gerber, T.Graf, A.Kudryashov. "Generation of custom modes in a Nd:YAG laser with a semipassive bimorph adaptive mirror", Physics B, Lasers and Optics, 83(1), pp.43-50, 2006.


  1. (in RUS) A.S.Sobolev, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, "Analiticheskaya i chislennaya modeli gibkogo bimorfnogo zerkala (Analytical and numerical models of a bimorph mirror)", Optika atmosfery i okeana, 18(3), pp. 277-281, 2005.
  2. E.A.Orlenko, T.Yu.Cherezova, Yu.V.Sheldakova, A.L.Rukosuev, A.V.Kudryashov, "Off-axis parabolic mirrors: A method of adjusting them and of measuring and correcting their aberrations", Journal of Optical Technology, 72(4), pp. 306-312, 2005.
  3. J.Sheldakova, T.Cherezova, A.Alexandrov, A.L.Rukosuev, A.V.Kudryashov, "The use of M2 meter to correct for high-power laser aberrations", Proc. SPIE 5708, pp. 352-359, 2005.
  4. (in RUS) A.G.Aleksandrov, V.E.Zavalova, A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Rukosuev, V.V.Samarkin,"Adaptivnaya korrektsiya izlucheniya moschnogo titan-sapfirovogo lazera", Zhurnal pricladnoy spectroskopii 72(5), pp.678-683, 2005.
  5. (in RUS) A.G.Aleksandrov, V.E.Zavalova, A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Rukosuev, V.V.Samarkin, Yu.V.Sheldakova, T.Yu.Cherezova, "M2-datchik dlya zadach adaptivnoy optiki", MGOU-XXI-Novye Technologii 6, pp.5-10, 2005.
  6. S.Galetskiy, R.Letfullin, A.Dubinin, T.Cherezova, A.Belyakov, A.Kudryashov, "Custom-oriented wavefront sensor for human eye properties measurements", Proc. SPIE 6018, pp.601806-601806-9, 2005.
  7. A.Kudryashov, "High peak-power laser beam correction and formation", Proc. SPIE 6018, pp.60180E-60180E-8, 2005.
  8. V.Samarkin, A.Aleksandrov, V.Dubikovsky, A.Kudryashov, "Water-cooled bimorph correctors", Proc. SPIE 6018, pp.60180Z-60180Z-5, 2005.
  9. (in RUS) A.G.Aleksandrov, V.E.Zavalova, A.V.Kudryashov, V.Ya.Panchenko, A.L.Rukosuev, V.V.Samarkin,"Adaptivnaya optika dlya moschnyh lazerov so sverhkorotkimi impulsami izlucheniya", Sb. trudov ILIT RAS, pp.55-61, 2005.
  10. A.Kudryashov, P.Romanov, V. Juravlev, "High Power Pulsed Lasers and Adaptive Optics" (Invited), Proc. of CAOL 2005 (2nd International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers), 1, pp.47-48, 2005.
  11. A.L.Rukosuev, V.V.Samarkin, "Closed-Loop Adaptive Optical System with Bimorph Mirror and Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor - Advantages and Limitations", Proc. of CAOL 2005 (2nd International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers), 1, p.118, 2005.
  12. V.Samarkin, A.Aleksandrov, V.Dubikovsky, "Water-Cooled Wavefront Correctors", Proc. of CAOL 2005 (2nd International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers), 1, p.119, 2005.
  13. A.S.Sobolev, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, "Multimorph Mirrors: a New Generation of Bimorph Mirrors", Proc. of CAOL 2005 (2nd International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers), 1, pp.198-201, 2005.
  14. J.Sheldakova, T.Cherezova, A.Kudryashov, "M2 Meter as a Part of Closed-Loop Adaptive Optical System for High-Power Laser Beam Correction", Proc. of CAOL 2005 (2nd International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers), 1, p.209, 2005.
  15. A.G.Aleksandrov, P.N.Romanov, V.Ye.Zavalova, "Results of Measurements of Laser Beams of High-Power Lasers by Shack-Hartmann Wave-Front Sensor", Proc. of CAOL 2005 (2nd International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers), 2, p.277, 2005.
  16. A.Kostylev, A.Sobolev, T.Cherezova, A.Kudryashov. "Genetic algorithm for intracavity laser beam shaping ", Proc. SPIE 5876, pp. 587605, 2005
  17. Yu.Akahane, J.Ma, Yu.Fukuda, M.Aoyama, H.Kiriyama, N.Inoue, K.Tsuji, Y.Nakai, Y.Yamamoto, J.Sheldakova, A.Kudryashov, K.Yamakawa, "Generation and Evaluation of a 1020 W/cm2 Intensity by Focusing Wavefront Corrected 100 TW, 10 Hz Laser Pulses", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 44(8), pp.6087-6089, 2005.
  18. Letfullin R., Belyakov A., Cherezova T., Kudryashov A., "A human eye model based on bimorph flexible mirror", Proc. SPIE 5864, pp.58640F, 2005.
  19. Dubinin A., Belyakov A., Cherezova T., Kudryashov A., "Human retina imaging: isoplanatism considerations", Proc. SPIE 5864, pp.58640G, 2005.
  20. Letfullin R., Belyakov A., Cherezova T., "Kudryashov A., "Human eye model based on bimorph flexible mirror", Proc. SPIE 5894, pp.95-102, 2005.
  21. Dubinin A., Belyakov A., Cherezova T., Kudryashov A., "Anisoplanatism in human retina imaging", Proc. SPIE 5894, pp. 88-94, 2005.


  1. A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, A.Rukosuev, A.Alexandrov, "High-power lasers and adaptive optics", Proc. SPIE 5333, pp. 45-52, 2004.
  2. J.Sheldakova, A.L.Rukosuev, A.V.Kudryashov, "Genetic and hill-climbing algorithms for laser beam correction", Proc. SPIE 5333, pp. 106-111, 2004.
  3. A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, A.Alexandrov, J.Sheldakova, A.Roukossouev, "Adaptive optics to correct for laser beam aberrations", Atmospheric and ocean optics. Atmospheric physics, 23-26 June 2004, Tomsk, Russia.
  4. V.Samarkin, A.Aleksandrov, A.Kudryashov, "Large aperture deformable bimorph mirrors", VI International conference "Laser and fiber-optical networks modeling", 6-9 September 2004, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
  5. (in RUS) A.G.Aleksandrov, V.E.Zavalova, A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Rukosuev, P.N.Romanov,V.V.Samarkin,"Zamknutye adaptivnye sistemy s upravlyaevymi bimorfnymi zerkalami", Optichesky Zhurnal 71(11), pp.23-28, 2004.
  6. R.Letfullin, A.Belyakov, T.Cherezova, A.Kudryashov, "Double-pass measurement of human eye aberrations: limitations and pratical realization", Proc. SPIE 5572, pp.340-349, 2004.
  7. A.Dubinin, A.Belyakov, T.Cherezova, A.Kudryashov, "Anisoplanatism in adaptive Optics Compensation of Human Eye aberrations", Proc. SPIE 5572, pp.330-340, 2004.


  1. B.Wattellier, J.Fuchs, J.P.Zou, J.C.Chanteloup, H.Bandulet, P.Michel, C.Labaune, S.Depierreux, A.Kudryashov, A.Aleksandrov, "Single laser hot spot generation for laser-plasma interaction physics using a dielectric-coated bimorph deformable mirror", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 20 (8), 2003.
  2. (in RUS) A.G.Aleksandrov, A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Rukosuev, V.V.Samarkin. "Adaptivnaya opticheskaya sistema dlya korrektsii izlucheniya femtosekundnyh lazerov", Optika atmosfery i okeana, 16(7), pp. 666-668,2003.
  3. J.Sheldakova, A.Rukosuev, A.Alexandrov, A.Kudryashov, "Multy-dither adaptive optical system for laser beam control", Proc. SPIE 4969, pp.115-121, 2003.
  4. V.Ye.Zavalova, A.L.Rukosuev, A.Alexandrov, V.V.Samarkin, A.V.Kudryashov, P.N. Romanov, "Adaptive system for high power laser", Proc. SPIE 5120, pp. 156-163, 2003.
  5. V.Samarkin, V.Zavalova, A.Alexandrov, A.Roukossouev, A.Kudryashov, "Adaptive optics for high power laser beam shaping", CLEO Europe, 23-27 June 2003, Munich, Germany.
  6. V.Samarkin, A.Alexandrov, Y.Malashko, P.Romanov, A.Kudryashov, "Multipurpose semipassive bimorph mirrors", XI International Conference on Laser Optics (LO'2003), 30 June - 4 July 2003, St.Petersburg, Russia.
  7. H.Baumhacker, K.J.Witte, M.Hegelich, M.Kaluza, S.Karsch, G.Pretzler, A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, A.Roukossouev, "Correction of TiS-laser beam with 2 deformable bimorph mirrors", XI International Conference on Laser Optics (LO'2003), 30 June - 4 July 2003, St.Petersburg, Russia.
  8. V.Samarkin, V.Zavalova, A.Alexandrov, A.Roukossouev, A.Kudryashov, "Adaptive optics for high power laser beam shaping", XI International Conference on Laser Optics (LO'2003), 30 June - 4 July 2003, St.Petersburg, Russia.
  9. A.Alexandrov, A.Kudryashov, A.Roukossouev, V.Samarkin, "Adaptive Optics for Femtosecond Lasers", XI International Conference on Laser Optics (LO'2003), 30 June - 4 July 2003, St.Petersburg, Russia.
  10. J.Sheldakova, A.Rukosuev, A.Kudryashov, "Multy-dither adaptive optical system for laser beam shaping", XI International Conference on Laser Optics (LO'2003), 30 June - 4 July 2003, St.Petersburg, Russia.
  11. V.Samarkin, A.Aleksandrov, A.Kudryashov, "Large aperture bimorph correctors", 4th Internat. Workshop on adaptive optics for industry and medicine, 19-24 October 2003, Muenster, Germany.
  12. A.Kudryashov, A.Aleksandrov, A.Roukossouev, V.Samarkin, "Adaptive optical system for high power laser beam correction and shaping", 4th Internat. Workshop on adaptive optics for industry and medicine, 19-24 October 2003, Muenster, Germany.
  13. A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, A. Alexandrov, A. Rukosuev, V.Zavalova, "Adaptive Optics for High-Power Beam Control", Proc. of 4th Internat. Workshop on adaptive optics for industry and medicine, 19-24 October 2003, Muenster, Germany, U.Wittrock (ed.), Springer, pp.237-249, 2003.


  1. H.Baumhacker, G.Pretzeler, K.J.Witte, M.Hegelich, M.Kaluza, S.Karsch, A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, A.Rukosuev, "Correction of wavefront distortions and fluence profile modulation by closed-loop adaptive optics in a multi-stage TiS laser", Opt.Lett. 27(17), pp. 1570-1572, 2002.
  2. Yu.V.Sheldakova, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, "Analysis of the laser intensity distribution", Proc. SPIE 4900, pp.367-372, 2002.
  3. A.V.Kudryashov, V.Ya.Panchenko, V.Ye.Zavalova, "Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor for beam quality measurements" Proc. SPIE 4900, pp.331-338, 2002.
  4. A.Rukosuev, A.Aleksandrov, V.Zavalova, V.Samarkin, A.Kudryashov, "Adaptive optical system for extracavity laser beam corrector", Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, 23-26 July 2001, Albuquerque, NM, USA, Ed. Sergio R.Restano & Scott W.Teare, pp. 3-10, Starline Printing, Inc, 2002.
  5. H.Baumhacker, G.Pretzeler, K.J.Witte, M.Hegelich, M.Kaluza, S.Karsch, A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, A.Rukosuev, "Intensity and closed-loop wavefront corrector in the 8-TW TiS-laser ATLAS", Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, 23-26 July 2001, Albuquerque, NM, USA, Ed. Sergio R.Restano & Scott W.Teare, pp. 11-26, Starline Printing, Inc, 2002.
  6. Yu.V.Seldakova, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.Kudryashov, "The M2-sensor for the adaptive optical system", Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, 23-26 July 2001, Albuquerque, NM, USA, Ed. Sergio R.Restano & Scott W.Teare, pp. 27-34, Starline Printing, Inc, 2002.
  7. V.Samarkin, A.Aleksandrov, A.Kudryashov, "Novel wavefront correctors based on bimorph elements", Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, 23-26 July 2001, Albuquerque, NM, USA, Ed. Sergio R.Restano & Scott W.Teare, pp. 171-178, Starline Printing, Inc, 2002.
  8. A.Rukosuev, A.Kudryashov, "Closed loop adaptive system with bimorph corrector and Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor", IX Joint Int. Symp. on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics, 2-5 July 2002, Tomsk, Russia.
  9. A.L.Rukosuev, A.Alexandrov, V.Ye.Zavalova, V.V.Samarkin, A.V.Kudryashov, "Adaptive optical system based on bimorph mirror and Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor", Proc. SPIE 4493, pp. 261-268, 2002.
  10. V.Ye.Zavalova, A.V.Kudryashov, "Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor for laser beam analyses", Proc. SPIE 4493, pp. 277-284, 2002.
  11. J.V.Seldakova, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.Kudryashov, "Low-cost M2-sensor for the adaptive optical system", Proc. SPIE 4493, pp. 285-293, 2002.
  12. V.V.Samarkin, A.G.Aleksandrov, A.V.Kudryashov. "Bimorph mirrors for powerful laser beam correction and formation", Proc. SPIE 4493, pp. 269-276, 2002.
  13. A.Kudryashov, "Adaptive optics for high-power lasers", IQEC/LAT 2002, Moscow, Russia.
  14. H.Baumhacker, G.Pretzler, K.J.Witte, M.Hegelich, M.Kaluza, A.Kudryashov, V. Samarkin, A.Roukossouev, "Multi-stage Ti-Sapphire laser with closed-loop adaptive optical system - modification of intensity profile and correction of wavefront distortions", IQEC/LAT 2002, Moscow, Russia.
  15. P.V.Nickles, M.Schnerer, S.Ter Avetisyan, S.Busch, E,Gubbini, U.Eichmann, A.Kudryashov, A.Alexandrov, M.Kalashnikov, H.Schonnagel, W.Sandner, "Prospects of an adaptive mirror system for high intensity laser experiments with the MBI-multi-terawatt Ti:Sa laser", IQEC/LAT 2002, Moscow, Russia.
  16. J.Fuchs, B.Wattellier, H.Bandulet, P.Michel, J.P.Zou, J.C.Chanteloup, C.Labaune, A.Michard, A.Kudryashov, A.Aleksandrov, "Wavefront correction for diffraction-limited focal spot on 80 J/1 ns laser facility", IQEC/LAT 2002, Moscow, Russia.
  17. Yu.V.Sheldakova, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, "M2-sensor for the adaptive optical system", Proc. SPIE 4644, pp. 392-399, 2002.


  1. T.Yu.Cherezova, S.S.Chesnokov, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, "Active laser resonator performance: formation of a specified intensity output", Applied Optics 40(33), pp. 6026-6033, 2001.
  2. A.Rukosuev, A.Aleksandrov, V.Zavalova, V.Samarkin, A.Kudryashov, "Adaptive optical system for turbulent fluctuations of the laser beam", VIII Joint Int. Symp. on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics, 25-29 June 2001, Irkutsk, Russia.
  3. A.V.Larichev, N.G.Irochnikov, P.V.Ivanov, A.V.Kudryashov, "Adaptive compensation of the human eye aberrations", VII Int. Symp. Laser and Laser-Information Technologies : Basic Research and Applications, 22-26 June 2001, Vladimir - Suzdal, Russia.
  4. A.V.Larichev, N.G.Irochnikov, P.Ivanov, A.V.Kudryashov, "Deconvolution of color retinal images with wavefront sensing", Proc. SPIE 4251, pp. 102-116, 2001.
  5. A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, A.Aleksandrov, "Adaptive optical elements for laser beam control", Proc. SPIE 4457, pp. 170-178, 2001.


  1. V.V.Samarkin, T.Yu.Cherezova, A.V.Kudryashov, Yu.V.Sheldakova, "Formation of super-gaussian intensity distributions of the CW CO2 laser by using of deformable mirror", Int. School of Quantum Electronics on Laser Beam and Optics Characterization 5, 20-25 March 2000, Sicily, Italy.
  2. V.Samarkin, A. Kudryashov, A. Rukosuev, V.Zavalova, "Adaptive system with bimorph mirror", SPIE's Int. Symposium on Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2000, 27-31 March 2000, Munich, Germany, presentation 4007-137.
  3. H.Baumhacker, K.J.Witte, H.Stehbeck, A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, "Use of deformable mirror in the 8-TW TiS-laser ATLAS", Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, 12-16 July 1999, Durham, England, Ed. G. Love, pp. 28-31, World Scientific, 2000.
  4. V.V.Samarkin, "Some methods of intracavity control of spatial and temporal parameters of industrial CO2 laser beam", Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, 12-16 July 1999, Durham, England, Ed. G. Love, pp. 169-174, World Scientific, 2000.
  5. T.Yu.Cherezova, S.S.Chesnokov, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, "Active correctors as the alternative to graded phase mirror - CO2 and YAG laser beam formation", Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, 12-16 July 1999, Durham, England, Ed. G. Love, pp. 187-192, World Scientific, 2000.
  6. A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, "Bimorph mirrors for correction and formation of laser beam", Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, 12-16 July 1999, Durham, England, Ed. G. Love, pp. 193-199, World Scientific, 2000.
  7. Kudryashov A.V., Samarkin V.V., Zabelin A.M., Quasi Q-switch regime of CO2 laser generation", Proc. SPIE 3930, pp. 38-44, 2000.
  8. H.Baumhacker, K.J.Witte, A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, A.Roukosuev, "Use of 2 deformable mirrors in the 8-TW TiS-laser ATLAS", X Conf. on Laser Optics, 26-30 June 2000, St.Petersburg, Russia.
  9. T.Yu.Cherezova, S.S.Chesnokov, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, "Laser resonators with a specified output intensity profiles by using intracavity active mirrors: algorithm and practical realization", X Conf. on Laser Optics, 26-30 June 2000, St.Petersburg, Russia.
  10. A.Alexandrov, A. Kudryashov, A. Rukosuev, V.Samarkin,, V. Zavalova, "Low cost adaptive system with bimorph mirror conjugated by Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor", X Conf. on Laser Optics, 26-30 June 2000, St.Petersburg, Russia.
  11. A.V.Kudryashov, A.Korotchenko, P.N.Romanov, V.V.Samarkin, A.M.Zabelin, "Q-switch regime in unstable and stable-unstable resonators of the CO2 laser by use of deformable mirrors", X Conf. on Laser Optics, 26-30 June 2000, St.Petersburg, Russia.
  12. V.E.Zavalova, A.V.Kudryashov, "The using image recognition methods for Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor design", X Conf. on Laser Optics, 26-30 June 2000, St.Petersburg, Russia.
  13. V.Ya.Panchenko, V.I.Ledenev, Yu.P.Raizer, V.Zavalova, S.T.Surzhikov, "Numerical study of processes occurring in positive column of multi-segmented discharge in fast-flow industrial CO2 laser", Proc. SPIE 4165, 2000.
  14. Tatiana Cherezova, S.S.Chesnokov, L.N.Kaptsov, V. Samarkin, A.Kudryashov, "Active Laser Resonators - Computer Simulation and Practical Realization", CLEO/Europe, 10-15 Sept. 2000, Nice, France, Conference digest, p. 292.
  15. A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, A.Zabelin, "CO2 Laser with Stable-Unstable Cavity: Q-Switch Regime with Active Mirror", CLEO/Europe, 10-15 Sept. 2000, Nice, France, Conference digest, p. 90.
  16. T.Yu.Cherezova, V.Samarkin, V.Zavalova, A.Alexandrov, A.Rukosuev, A.Kudryashov, "Low cost adaptive system for high power laser beam control", XIII Int. Symp. On Gas Flow & Chem. Lasers and High power laser Conf. (GCL/HPL), 18-22 Sept. 2000, Florence, Italy, Conference digest, p. 61-62.
  17. A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, A.Zabelin, "Laser resonator with active mirror - generation of Q-switch regime in industrial CO2 laser", XIII Int. Symp. On Gas Flow & Chem. Lasers and High power laser Conf. (GCL/HPL), 18-22 Sept. 2000, Florence, Italy, Conference digest, pp. 117-118.
  18. A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, "Adaptive optics for high-power TiSa lasers", Russian Conf. on Problems of Development of the Laser Systems, 27-29 Sept. 2000, Vladimir, Russia.
  19. Jianren Lu, Jie Song, Mahendra Prabhu, Jianqiu Xu, Ken-ichi Ueda, Hideki Yagi, Takakimi Yanagitani and Alexis Kudryashov, "High-power Nd:Y3Al5O12 Ceramic Laser", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 39, Part 2(10B), pp. L1048-L1050, 2000.
  20. V.V.Samarkin, A.V.Kudryashov, T.Yu.Cherezova, S.S.Chesnokov, "Formation of a super-gaussian distribution of the CW CO2 laser beam by using of deformable mirror", In Laser Beam and Optics Characterization, H. Weber, H. Laabs, editors, Technische Universitat Berlin, Optisches Institut, Strasse des 17. Juni 135, D-10623 Berlin, Germany 2000, pp. 178-185.
  21. A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, A.M.Zabelin, "Laser resonator with active mirror-generation of Q-switch regime in industrial CO2 laser", Proc. SPIE 4184, p.282-285, 2000.
  22. J.Lu, M.Prabhu, K.Ueda, H.Yagi, T.Yanagitani, A.V.Kudryashov, "Highly efficient lasers using polycrystalline Nd:YAG ceramics", Proc. SPIE 4184, p.373-376, 2000.
  23. A.V.Larichev, N.G.Irochnikov, I.P.Nikolaev, K.Nesterouk, A.V.Kudryashov, "Depth-sensitive adaptive deconvolution of retinal images", Proc. SPIE 4162, pp. 158-169, 2000.


  1. A.V.Kudryashov, V.B.Kulakov, L.V.Novikova, V.Y.Panchenko, V.V.Samarkin, "Low-cost adaptive optical devices for multipurpose applications", Proc. SPIE 3688, pp. 469-475, 1999.
  2. Yu.N. Zavalov, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, T.Yu. Cherezova, S.S.Chesnokov, "Formation of a specified intensity distribution of the radiation from an industrial cw CO2 laser", Quantum Electronics 29(4), pp. 339-3340, 1999.
  3. A.V.Kudryashov, V.B.Kulakov, Ye.V.Kotsuba V.Ya.Panchenko, V.V.Samarkin, "Low cost adaptive optical devices for multipurpose applications", Proc. SPIE 3688, pp. 469-475, 1999.
  4. V.Ye.Zavalova, M.G.Galushkin, V.P.Yakunin, V.V.Samarkin, "Investigation of the beam quality of high power CO2 laser with unstable resonator and variable reflectivity mirror", Proc. SPIE 3688, pp. 48-53, 1999.
  5. V.E..Zavalova, M.G.Galushkin, V.S.Golubev, Yu.N.Zavalov, V.Ya.Panchenko, "Diagnostics of Turbulent Flow of Nonequilibrum Gas Mixture in FAF CO2 Laser by Optical Methods", Proc. of VSJ-SPIE 98, 1999.
  6. V.E.Zavalova, M.G.Galushkin, V.S.Golubev, Yu.N.Zavalov, V.Ya.Panchenko, P.V.Korolenko, "Optical diagnostics of turbulent flow of noneguilibrium gas mixture in FAF CO2 laser", Proc. SPIE 3688, pp. 442-446, 1999.
  7. V.E.Zavalova, M.G.Galushkin, V.S.Golubev, Yu.N.Zavalov, V.Ya.Panchenko, "Investigation of optical nonuniformities of nonequilibrum turbulent gas flow in fast axial-flow CO2 laser", Proc. SPIE 3760, 1999.
  8. H.Baumhacker, K.J.Witte, H.Stehbeck, A.Kudryashov, V.Samarkin, "Use of deformable mirror in the 8-TW TiS-laser ATLAS", 2nd Int. Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, 12-16 July 1999, Durham, England.
  9. V.V.Samarkin, "Some methods of intracavity control of spatial and temporal parameters of industrial CO2 laser beam", 2nd Int. Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, 12-16 July 1999, Durham, England.
  10. T.Yu.Cherezova, S.S.Chesnokov, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, "Active correctors as the alternative to graded phase mirror - CO2 and YAG laser beam formation", 2nd Int. Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, 12-16 July 1999, Durham.
  11. A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, "Bimorph mirrors for correction and formation of laser beam", 2nd Int. Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, 12-16 July 1999, Durham.
  12. Alexis V.Kudryashov, "Intracavity laser beam control and formation", In Laser Resonators, Novel Design and Developments, Alexis V.Kudryashov, Horst Weber, Editors, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, 1999.
  13. T.Yu.Cherezova, S.S.Chesnokov, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, "Intracavity active mirror for formation of the specified laser output", SPIE's 44th Annual Meeting, Conf. on Adaptive Systems and Technology, 21-22 July 1999, Denver, USA.
  14. A.V.Kudryashov, S.S.Chesnokov, A.L.Rukosuev, V.V.Rukosuev, "Turbulence simulation by the multi-element bimirph corrector : experimental and theoretical investigation", SPIE's 44th Annual Meeting, Conf. High-Resolution Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications, 19-20 July 1999, Denver, USA.
  15. T.Yu.Cherezova, V.V.Samarkin, S.S.Chesnokov, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, "Formation of the specified laser output by means of intracavity active mirrors", Proc. SPIE 3760, pp. 76-82, 1999.
  16. A.V.Kudryashov, "Intracavity laser beam control", Proc. SPIE 3611, pp. 32-41, 1999.
  17. T.Yu.Cherezova, V.V.Samarkin, S.S.Chesnokov, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, "Given laser output formation: adaptive optics approach – theory and experiment", Proc. SPIE 3611, pp. 90-101, 1999.


  1. T.Yu.Cherezova, S.S.Chesnokov, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, "Numerical simulation of the intracavity laser-beam formation by means of adaptive optics", Proc. SPIE 3267, pp.287-294, 1998.
  2. T.Yu.Cherezova, S.S.Chesnokov, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, "Super-Gaussian output laser beam formation by bimorph adaptive mirror", Opt. Comm. 155, pp. 99-106, 1998.
  3. Cherezova T.Yu., Chesnokov S.S., Kaptsov L.N., Kudryashov A.V., "Doughnut-like laser beam output formation by intracavity flexible controlled mirror", Opt. Express 3(3), pp. 180-189, 1998.
  4. J.C.Dainty, A.V.Koryabin, A.V.Kudryashov, "Low order adaptive optical system with bimorph deformable mirror", Appl. Opt. 37, pp. 4663-4668, 1998.
  5. D.C.Dayton, S.L.Browne, S.P.Sandven, J.Gonglewski, A.V.Kudryashov, "Theory and laboratory demonstrations on the use of a nematic liquid-crystal phase modulator for controlled turbulence generation and adaptive optics", Appl. Opt. 37(24), pp. 5579-5589, 1998.
  6. L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, T.Yu.Cherezova, S.S. Chesnokov, "Formation of specified intensity distribution of industrial laser with intracavity flexible mirror", VI International Conference Industrial Lasers & Laser Applications'98 (ILLA'98), Programme and Abstracts, p.123, 1998.
  7. T.Yu.Cherezova, S.S. Chesnokov, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, "Laser resonators with the given output by using adaptive mirrors", CLEO/EUROPE'98, 14-18 Sept. 1998, Glasgow, UK, Technical Digest, p. 78.
  8. A.V.Kudryashov, "Intracavity laser beam control and formation", Proc. SPIE 3267, pp. 78-90, 1998.
  9. M.G.Galushkin, V.P.Yakunin, V.V.Samarkin, V.Ye.Zavalova, "Optimization of the high power CO2 laser resonator with output variable reflectivity mirror", 5th Conference on Modern Optics, 14-17 Sept., 1998, Budapest, Hungary.


  1. A.V.Kudryashov, J.Gonglewski, S.Browne, R.Highland, "Liquid crystal phase modulator for adaptive optics. Temporal perfomance characterization", Opt. Comm. 141, pp. 247-252, 1997.
  2. J.Gonglewski, A.V.Kudryashov, S.Browne, R.Highland, "Liquid crystal phase modulators for time varying phase distortion simulations", Aerospace Remote Sensing Conf., Technical Programme, Sept. 22-26, 1997, London, p. 50.
  3. V.V.Samarkin, "Computer controlled actiuve mirrors and lens for industrial applications", I International Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine, 9-13 June 1997, Shatura, Russia.


  1. A.V.Kudryashov, V.I.Shmalhausen, "Semipassive bimproph flexible mirrors for atmospheric adaptive optics applications", Opt. Eng. 35(11), pp. 3064-3073, 1996.
  2. V.V.Samarkin, "Deformable active mirrors for astronomical and technological applications", NATO Advanced Study Institute High angular resolution in astrophisics, Les Houches, France, April 9-19, 1996.
  3. A.V.Kudryashov, J.Gonglewski, S.Browne, R.Highland, "Temporal perfomance charaterization of a liquid crystal phase modulator", Adaptive Optics Topical Meeting, July 8-12, Maui, Hawaii, 1996, Postdeadline papers. - P. AThC31-1-4.
  4. T.Yu.Cherezova, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, "Cw industrial rod YAG:Nd3+ laser with an intracavity active bimorph mirror", Appl. Opt. 35(15), pp. 2554-2561, 1996.
  5. A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, A.A.Lukashov, O.V.Yunyakov, "Thin plates test with modified IT-200 Fizeau interferometer", Proc. SPIE 2713, p. 490, 1996.
  6. V.V.Samarkin, O.A.Novodvorsky, R.YaSagdeev, A.V.Shishkov, V.P.Yakunin, "Investigation of industrial CO2 laser beam characteristics with intracavity modulator", Proc. SPIE 2713, p. 85, 1996.
  7. A.V.Kudryashov, V.I.Shmalhausen, "Semipassive bimorph flexible mirrors for atmospheric adaptive optics applications", Opt. Eng 35(11), pp. 3064-3073, 1996.
  8. A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, A.A.Lukashov, O.V.Yunyakov, "Thin-plates test with modified IT-200 Fizeau interferometer", Proc. SPIE 2713, pp. 490-491, 1996.


  1. A.V.Kudryashov, A.V.Seliverstov, "Adaptive Stabilized Interferometer with Laser Diode", Opt. Comm. 120, pp. 239-244, 1995.
  2. A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, "Control of high power CO2 laser beam by adaptive optical elements", Opt. Comm. 118, pp. 317-322, 1995.
  3. J.C.Dainty, A.V.Koryabin, A.V.Kudryashov, "Low order adaptive optical system with bimorph deformable mirror", 8-th Laser Optics Conference, Technical Digest, 1, pp. 24-25, 1995.
  4. S.A.Gnedoy, V.V.Samarkin, V.P.Yakunin, "Control of high power CO2 laser beam", Proc. SPIE 2207, pp. 209-212, 1995.


  1. A.V.Kudryashov, A.V.Seliverstov, "Adaptive stabilized interferometer with laser diode", Proc. SPIE, 2051, pp. 577-581, 1994.
  2. A.V.Kudryashov, A.V.Seliverstov, "Diagnostic controlled interferometer with laser diode", Proc. SPIE 2340, pp. 241-249, 1994.
  3. A.V.Kudryashov, "Gradient method of interferogram processing", SPIE's Conference Interferometry'94: Abstracts, Warsaw, Poland, p. 44, 1994.
  4. (in RUS) I.V.Golovnin, V.M.Gordienko, A.I.Kovrigin, A.V.Kudryashov, G.D.Laptev, A.V.Seliverstov, "Generatsiia uzkopolosnogo izlucheniia v sisteme s kol'tsevym monolitnym IAG-lazerom i sleb-usilitelem", Kvant. elektr. 21(4), pp. 306-308, 1994.
  5. S.A.Gnedoy, V.V.Samarkin, V.P.Yakunin, "Beam characteristics of CO2 laser with controllable output mirror", Proc. SPIE 2257, p. 144, 1994.
  6. T.Y.Cherezova, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, "Application of intracavity adaptive mirror for CW solid state laser radiation control", Proc. SPIE 2257, pp. 230-233, 1994.
  7. A.V.Kudryashov, A.V.Seliverstov, "Diagnostic controlled interferometer with laser diode", Proc. SPIE 2340, pp. 241-248, 1994.
  8. A.V.Kudryashov, T.Y.Cherezova, "Stable resonator with the controlled flexible mirror", Proc. SPIE 2206, pp. 563-564, 1994.
  9. A.V.Kudryashov, T.Y.Cherezova, L.N.Kaptsov, "Adaptive optical system for control of the CW technological YAG;Nd3+ laser beam parameters", Proc. SPIE 2206, pp. 574-576, 1994.


  1. A.V.Kudryashov, A.V.Seliverstov, "Controlled diagnostic interferometer with laser diode", Proc. SPIE 1983, pp. 730-731, 1993.
  2. (in RUS) A.Abbas, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, V.Yu.Mikhailov, T.Yu.Cherezova, "Stabilizatsiia moshchnosti izlucheniia nepreryvno nakachivaemogo lazera na AIG:Nd v rezhime vnutrirezonatornoi generatsii vtoroi garmoniki", Lazernaia tekhnika i optoelektronika 3 - 4, pp. 48-51, 1993.
  3. T.Yu.Cherezova, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, "Application of intracavity adaptive mirror for CW solid-state laser radiation control", Proc. SPIE 2257, pp. 230-233, 1993.
  4. (in RUS) L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, T.Yu.Cherezova, "Ustoichivyi rezonator tverdotel'nogo lazera s upravliaemym gibkim zerkalom", Tez. dokl. konf. Optika lazerov, S.-Peterburg, p. 292, 1993.
  5. A.V.Kudryashov, V.Ya.Panchenko, "Control and formation of the output radiation of the technological lasers by methods of adaptive optics", Proc. SPIE 1983, pp. 34-35, 1993.
  6. T.Yu.Cherezova, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, "Control of the CW YAG:Nd3+ laser beam parameters by the adaptive optical system", Proc. SPIE 1983, pp. 32-33, 1993.


  1. (in RUS) A.Abbas, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, T.Yu.Cherezova, "Upravlenie parametrami izlucheniia tverdotel'nogo tekhnologicheskogo IAG lazera metodami adaptivnoi optiki. Rezonator lazera s adaptivnym zerkalom", Kvant. elektr. 19(6), pp. 576-578, 1992.
  2. (in RUS) L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, A.V.Seliverstov, "Upravlenie parametrami izlucheniia tverdotel'nogo tekhnologicheskogo IAG lazera metodami adaptivnoi optiki. Sfericheskoe adaptivnoe zerkalo", Kvant. elektr. 19(6), pp. 579-580, 1992.
  3. (in RUS) V.P.Kandidov, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Popov, I.M.Chistiakov, "Gibkoe zerkalo dlia korrektsii prosteishikh aberratsii", OMP 6, pp. 51-55, 1992.


  1. (in RUS) A.Abbas, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, T.Yu.Cherezova, "Aktivnaia stabilizatsiia moshchnosti izlucheniia nepreryvnogo tverdotel'nogo lazera s p'ezokeramicheskim korrektorom", Lazernaia tekhnika i optoelektronika 1, pp. 46-48, 1991.


  1. (in RUS) V.P.Kandidov, A.V.Kudryashov, I.V.Larionova, V.V.Popov, I.M.Chistiakov, "Interferentsionnoe issledovanie upravliaemogo uprugogo zerkala dlia kompensatsii nizshikh aberratsii fazy", Kvant. elektr. 17(6), pp. 801-804, 1990.
  2. (in RUS) V.E.Abramchuk, V.L.Boichenko, A.A.Ketkovich, A.V.Kudryashov, V.A.Tikhonov, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Avtomatizirovannyi interferometr dlia issledovaniia ploskikh opticheskikh poverkhnostei", Defektoskopiia 2, pp. 92-94, 1990.
  3. (in RUS) A.Abbas, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, I.M.Chistiakov, "Kompensatsiia teplovoi linzy tverdotel'nogo lazera gibkim bimorfnym zerkalom", Tez. dokl. 6 konf. Optika lazerov, p 348, 1990.
  4. (in RUS) A.Abbas, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, "Rezonator tverdotel'nogo lazera s adaptivnym zerkalom", Elektr. tekhn. ser. Lazernaia tekhnika i optoelektronika 1(53), pp. 41-42, 1990.
  5. S.A.Gnedoi, A.M.Zabelin, A.V.Korotchenko, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, V.P.Yakunin, Poluchenie impul'sno-periodicheskogo rezhima raboty tekhnologicheskogo CO2 lazera s pomoshch'iu gibkogo upravliaemogo zerkala", Tez. dokl. 6 konf. Optika lazerov, p. 349, 1990.
  6. (in RUS) A.V.Koryabin, A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Kuz'minskii, G.V.Morozov, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Korrektsiia aberratsii volnovogo fronta v real'nom vremeni", YI Vsesoiuzn.konf."Optika Lazerov", Tezisy dokl., p.337, 1990.
  7. (in RUS) S.A.Gnedoi, A.V.Kudryashov, V.M.Manankov, V.N.Okorkov, V.V.Samarkin, V.P.Yakunin, "Gibkoe fokusiruiushchee ustroistvo", Avtorskoe svidetel'stvo Nî.1631489 from 01.11.90.


  1. (in RUS) S.A.Gnedoi, A.M.Zabelin, A.V.Korotchenko, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, "Tekhnologicheskii CO2 lazer s adaptivnym zerkalom", Tez. dokl. III Vsesoiuzn. konf. Primenenie lazerov v narodnom khoziaistve, pp. 217-218, Shatura, 1989. (in A.V.Kudryashov, "Interferometricheskii avtomatizirovannyi kompleks dlia issledovaniia funktsii otklika adaptivnykh zerkal", V sb. Adaptivnaia optika 2, Ufa), pp. 61-65, 1989.
  2. (in RUS) A.V.Kudryashov, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Stabilizirovannyi interferometr dlia issledovaniia ploskikh opticheskikh poverkhnostei", V kn. Lazery v narodnom khoziaistve, M.: MDNTP im. F.E.Dzerzhinskogo, pp. 7-12, 1989.
  3. (in RUS) A.Abbas, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, I.M.Chistiakov, "Korrektsiia teplovoi linzy tverdotel'nogo lazera s pomoshch'iu gibkogo bimorfnogo zerkala", Kvant. elektr. 16(10), pp. 2080-2082, 1989.
  4. (in RUS) A.Abbas, L.N.Kaptsov, A.V.Kudryashov, I.M.Chistiakov, "Kompensatsiia aberratsii teplovoi linzy tverdotel'nogo lazera gibkim bimorfnym zerkalom", Tez. dokl. 3 Vsesoiuznoi konf. Primenenie lazerov v narodnom khoziaistve, p. 228, Shatura, 1989.
  5. (in RUS) A.S.Akhmanov, A.V.Kudryashov, V.Ya.Panchenko, V.K.Popov, A.Yu.Poroikov, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Vnutrirezonatornoe upravlenie izlucheniem eksimernogo lazera", 4 nats. Konf. Optics-89, pp. 183-184, Varna, 1989.
  6. (in RUS) S.A.Gnedoi, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, V.P.Yakunin, "Upravlenie parametrami izlucheniia lazera na parakh medi s pomoshch'iu vnutrirezonatornogo adaptivnogo zerkala", Kvant. elektr. 16(9), pp. 1837-1839, 1989.
  7. (in RUS) S.A.Gnedoi, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, V.P.Yakunin, "Upravlenie parametrami izlucheniia lazera na parakh medi s pomoshch'iu adaptivnogo zerkala", 4 nats. Konf. Optics-89, pp. 194-195, Varna, 1989.
  8. (in RUS) S.A.Gnedoi, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, V.P.Yakunin, "Issledovanie kharakteristik generatsii tekhnologicheskogo CO2 lazera s adaptivnym zerkalom v rezonatore", 4 nats. Konf. Optics-89, pp. 185-186, Varna, 1989.
  9. (in RUS) S.A.Gnedoi, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, V.P.Yakunin, "Issledovanie vozmozhnosti upravleniia moshchnost'iu generatsii tekhnologicheskogo CO2 lazera vnutrirezonatornym adaptivnym zerkalom", Kvant. elektr. 16(9), pp. 1839-1840, 1989.
  10. (in RUS) A.V.Koryabin, A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Kuz'minskii, G.V.Morozov, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Adaptivnaia korrektsiia aberratsii volnovogo fronta v real'nom vremeni", Optika atmosfery 2(3), pp.335-337, 1989.
  11. (in RUS) A.V.Koryabin, A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Kuz'minskii, G.V.Morozov, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Adaptivnaia korrektsiia krupnomasshtabnykh aberratsii volnovogo fronta", KH Vsesoiuzn. simpozium po rasprostraneniiu lazernogo izlucheniia v atmosfere, p 207, Tomsk, 1989.
  12. (in RUS) A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Kuzminsky, G.V.Morozov, V.I.Shmalgauzen, "Real time wave-front correction", 4 Nats. konf. Optics-89, pp. 188-189, Varna. 1989.
  13. A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Kuzminsky, "Adaptive optical system of correction of atmospheric turbulence", Lasers'89, p. 21, New Orlean, 1989.


  1. (in RUS) A.V.Kudryashov, "Gibkie zerkala na osnove bimorfnogo p'ezoelementa dlia zadach adaptivnoi optiki", Kand. disser, M.: MGU, 1988, 190 pages.
  2. (in RUS) A.V.Kudryashov, V.A.Tikhonov, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Dinamicheskie funktsii otklika bimorfnykh zerkal", Opt. atm. 1(3), pp. 61-65, 1988.
  3. (in RUS) A.V.Kudryashov, V.N.Lakota, V.A.Tikhonov, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Stabilizirovannyi interferometr Fizo na osnove poluprovodnikovogo lazera", Kvant. elektr. 15(7), pp. 1325-1326, 1988.
  4. (in RUS) A.V.Kudryashov, V.N.Lakota, V.A.Tikhonov, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Diagnosticheskii stabilizirovannyi interferometr", Avt. svidet. No.1518664, prioritet ot 10.03.88.
  5. (in RUS) A.V.Kudryashov, V.N.Lakota, V.A.Tikhonov, "Stabilizirovannyi interferometr Fizo na osnove poluprovodnikovogo lazera", V sb. Vsesoiuzn. konf. Teoretichskaia i prikladnaia optika, - L.: GOI, pp. 390-391, 1988.
  6. (in RUS) A.V.Kudryashov, V.N.Lakota, V.A.Tikhonov, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Diagnosticheskii stabilizirovannyi interferometr Fizo s ispol'zovaniem poluprovodnikovogo lazera", Preprint MGU Fizicheskogo fakul'teta 33, 9 pages, 1988.
  7. (in RUS) A.S.Akhmanov, M.A.Vorontsov, A.V.Kudryashov, V.Ya.Panchenko, V.K.Popov, A.Yu.Poroikov, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Formirovanie prostranstvennykh kharakteristik izlucheniia eksimernogo lazera s pomoshch'iu vnutrirezonatornogo upravliaemogo zerkala", Kvant. elektr. 15(8), pp. 1525-1526, 1988.
  8. (in RUS) S.A.Gnedoi, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, V.P.Yakunin, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Upravlenie moshchnost'iu generatsii tekhnologicheskogo CO2 lazera vnutrirezonatornym adaptivnym zerkalom", Tez. dokl. mezhd. konf. Lasers-88, Plovdiv, NRB, 1988.
  9. (in RUS) M.A.Vorontsov, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Analiz effektivnosti kompensatsii atmosfernoi turbulentnosti na osnove eksperimental'nykh kharakteristik upravliaemykh gibkikh zerkal", Opt. atm. 1(6), pp. 118-120, 1988.
  10. (in RUS) A.V.Kudryashov, A.L.Kuz'minskii, "Adaptivnaia kompensatsiia nizshikh aberratsii volnovogo fronta pri fokusirovke lazernogo izlucheniia na atmosfernykh trassakh", V sb. Vsesoiuzn. konf. Teoreticheskaia i prikladnaia optika, L.: GOI, pp. 57-58, 1988.
  11. (in RUS) A.V.Kudryashov, I.G.Polovtsev, V.V.Samarkin, "Issledovanie pankraticheskoi sistemy s korrektorom na osnove bimorfnogo p'ezoelementa", Optika atmosfery 1(2), pp. 108-110, 1988.


  1. (in RUS) M.A.Vorontsov, S.A.Gnedoi, A.V.Kudryashov, V.V.Samarkin, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, V.P.Yakunin, "Upravliaemye zerkala na osnove polupassivnykh bimorfnykh p'ezoelementov", Preprint NITL RAN 29, 29 pages, Shatura, 1987.
  2. (in RUS) A.V.Kudryashov, V.A.Tikhonov, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Stroboskopicheskii interferometr dlia issledovaniia upravliaemykh gibkikh zerkal", V sb. Primenenie metodov golografii v nauke i tekhnike, L. - LFTI, pp. 119-126, 1987.
  3. (in RUS) M.A.Vorontsov, A.V.Kudryashov, I.A.Kudryashov, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Adaptivnaia opticheskaia tekhnika v zadachakh sinteza fokusatora izlucheniia", Tez. dokl. Vsesoiuzn. konf. Sovremennye probl. nauki i ee prilozhenii 2, p. 12, M., 1987.
  4. (in RUS) M.A.Vorontsov, A.V.Kudryashov, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Vliianii dinamicheskikh kharakteristik adaptivnykh zerkal na effektivnost' kompensatsii atmosfernykh iskazhenii", Izv. vuzov: Fizika 8, pp. 11-17, 1987.


  1. (in RUS) M.A.Vorontsov, A.V.Kudryashov, V.I.Shmal'gauzen, "Obrabotka interferogramm s pomoshch'iu gradientnogo metoda", V sb. Golografiia i ee primenenie, L.: FTI, pp. 223-229, 1986.


  1. (in RUS) M.A.Vorontsov, A.V.Kudryashov, S.I.Nazarkin i dr., "Gibkie zerkala dlia zadach lazernoi tekhnologii", Vsesoiuznoi konf. Primenenie lazerov v narodnom khoziaistve, p. 35, Zvenigorod, 1985.
  2. (in RUS) M.A.Vorontsov, G.M.Izakson, A.V.Kudryashov i dr., "Adaptivnoe okhlazhdaemoe zerkalo dlia rezonatora tekhnologicheskogo lazera", Kvant. elektr. 12(7), pp. 1337-1338, 1985.


  1. (in RUS) M.A.Vorontsov, A.V.Kudryashov, S.I.Nazarkin i dr., "Gibkoe zerkalo dlia adaptivnykh sistem formirovaniia svetovykh puchkov", Kvant. elektr. 11(6), pp. 1247-1249, 1984.

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